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About lucki_star7

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  1. I don't think I want to be a nurse anymore.

    Honestly, regardless of whether or not you are clean and whether or not you want to continue working as a nurse or not, it would be wise to do the rehabilitation program. I don't want to be negative but drug addiction is so dangerous and it can be ve...
  2. To disclose or not to disclose ... That is my question.

    I agree with GrnTea. In my opinion it would be violating HIPAA if the healthcare providers told Donnie. However, if Serena had sex with Donnie knowing that she had an infectious disease and did not disclose this information she would be breaking the ...
  3. Please help with Dx for nursing care plan!

    Thanks for that long winded response, but I really think you misunderstood what I said or that I wasn't clear in my response. I wasn't saying that they derived the nursing dx from the medical dx. What I was getting at was they wrote nursing dx that c...
  4. Please help with Dx for nursing care plan!

    While I do understand your concern. We use the ninth edition Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, and I got all of these from the book relating to substance abuse. In my book the first 100 or some odd pages have examples of nursing dx for different medical di...
  5. Please help with Dx for nursing care plan!

    Here are a couple possibilities:Noncompliance r/t denial of illness AEB (any statements he makes to you about not having a drug problem). Compromised family coping r/t codependency issues AEB family kicking pt out of house. Dysfunctional family proce...
  6. I need some help with a concept map!

    I don't know how all schools teach writing a nursing dx. We were taught using the PES format (Problem, Etiology, and Signs/Symptoms). It would be written as such Problem r/t Etiology AEB Signs/Symptoms, when writing an Actual dx; however, when writin...
  7. this is a true story ..vent .. wowzers .. crazy

    Okay now that is more understandable. However, you wrecked your credibility and confirmed what I already thought, that this wasn't a true story. In the original post you stated that the other nurse was a male saying "he" throughout, and in your last ...
  8. this is a true story ..vent .. wowzers .. crazy

    IMO, you seem like one of those charge nurses that just wants to sit at the nurses station and do nothing. I will agree that the way he handled the situation was inappropriate; however, it was inappropriate for you to take on one patient and dump all...
  9. Who were you in high school

    I was the girl who hung out with all the guys, not because I was a tomboy but I just always got along better with guys. I skipped school, acted out a lot, and almost didn't graduate because I went into my junior year with just over a 1.0 GPA. It was ...
  10. A clean room. A clean home. A clean person.

    Lol they usually call those "buggies" med-carts! At least that's what every facility I have worked for has called them!
  11. Win CASH! 12th Nursing Caption Contest - $100

    I have several patients that have been admitted due to Thanksgiving cooking mishaps, now the next time one of you decides to put on the call light it better be for a better reason than wanting another piece of pumpkin pie!
  12. Waiting For Spring 2013 Acceptance..Anyone else?

    Thank you!!! Congrats to everyone else that has gotten accepted thus far!!!
  13. Spring 2013 Nursing Students!!!! Who's In????

    YAY!! I finally got my acceptance letter today and couldn't be any happier!! Where are you attending? Greenville Technical College in Greenville, SC What are you most excited for? Learning new things and clinicals What are you most scares about? the ...
  14. Waiting For Spring 2013 Acceptance..Anyone else?

    YAY!!!! I got accepted into my program!!!! My school randomly puts all the new nursing students in two groups and starts the two groups at different times I am in the second group so I will be starting in March!!! I couldn't be happier! God is GREAT!...
  15. Waiting For Spring 2013 Acceptance..Anyone else?

    Our letters are supposed to be sent out today so hopefully I will get mine tomorrow!!!! xFingers Crossedx