
breezy7 BSN, RN

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About breezy7

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  1. A personal oncology story

    I am sending so much love your way. This post is making me cry; I wish I could reach out and give you a hug. I'm a new graduate nurse, and I unexpectantly have an interview in Oncology on Monday. It seems fitting - my dad is currently battling Stage ...
  2. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    If you call Amanda, let me know what she says! I'm stuck at work all day. :)
  3. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    I haven't heard of anyone getting a call for L&d specifically, though! At least there's that.
  4. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    I've kind of lost hope, but I'm still going to check this thread today periodically. Hope we hear something!
  5. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    I can't figure out where my application status is haha. I wonder if they take the time to change that once we're hired. Well either way you'll be back in Atlanta soon, so that's exciting!
  6. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    Have you heard anything about cardiac offers? I've only heard about neuro and onc offers, and now M/B
  7. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    Have we established whether they'll call if we DON'T get the job? Most interviews are like that, but I'm not sure what they'll do with so many applicants.
  8. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    What made you decide to come to Atlanta? Did you apply in other states as well? I totally understand you not wanting to be in hospice care - it's not for everyone! I certainly couldn't do it. The HR reps seem really interested in us at Northside. It'...
  9. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

  10. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    I know they're done hiring for l/d, but they're about to start mother/baby. I'm looking at med/surg for them, just because I really want l/d and not mother/baby. Good luck to you!! Really hope we all meet eventually :)
  11. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    What position are you interviewing for at northside? I'm looking at them as well... Emory was my top choice, though
  12. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    I'm beginning to feel like im not going to get an offer at all...
  13. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    Congratulations!! That's so exciting :) so the call was ultimately from Amanda with the offer? Woooo!
  14. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    That makes me so nervous! Sounds very promising for you. I'd wondered if we'd hear from HR or the Managers. So the call was about 3 hours ago?
  15. Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

    Mgfam thanks for the info! :) i dont think they're doing verbal offers in the interviews this session - it seems they switched up their interview process this time around. The two people I know who received offers got them a couple of days after int...