
Rodoon BSN, MSN, RN

CC, MS, ED, Clinical Research

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About Rodoon

Rodoon has 29 years experience as a BSN, MSN, RN and specializes in CC, MS, ED, Clinical Research.

After retiring from nursing, I pursued self publishing fiction as a second career

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  1. Retirement in the nursing field.

    If facilities kept appropriate staff levels and equipment (lift equipment) aging wouldn't be an issue.
  2. What kind of animal are you?

    Funny question and you handled it well. It reminded me of a new neurologist, while completing a mini-mental test, asking one of the stroke patients to act like a chicken. She cuts her eyes to me and asked, "Is this a trick question?" I decided to h...
  3. You've gotten views but no comments. I'm guessing most readers aren't retired yet. Even though you posted over a month ago, I'll try to offer a tip or two. I retired after almost 30 years, so unlike you illness didn't lead to my retirement. I think t...
  4. OP, I see a real need for this service, but I wasn't clear on one thing. Are you thinking of doing this yourself (as in one woman show) or are you planning on hiring others to work for you?" I think the rules are different if you're going it alone ve...
  5. Verbal er me understand this

    Another option I didn't see mentioned, is to ask a colleague to be given the verbal order after you. If another nurse is standing by, what could it hurt? Your best protection isn't a union rep. It's a witness. The other colleague doesn't need to hear...
  6. NCLEX Classes: Teaching?

    I think you guys have great ideas. One of the reason on line programs don't have as much interest is because its self directed learning and well..., life gets in the way at home, and the student doesn't stick with it. Also, nothing beats immediate cl...
  7. Nursing Tutor Business

    angelrnstat, Wow, what a great idea. You might not attract first time testers with good grades, but for those that don't make it or who have squeaked by in school, I bet that's the first term they'll Google after a good cry. The bigger the city you'r...
  8. What can nurses do to be more happy in their career?

    Don't forget after the foot soak > the foot rub. Heaven.
  9. Nurse bloggers/writers?

    Passionflower: I think your book idea is great especially since it presents entrepreneurial concepts to young girls. I can't count the times my nursing friends and I would toss the idea around. We had no learning template from schools or even nursing...
  10. Nurse bloggers/writers?

    I'd like to second Overtonis's good advice to nurses wanting to blog for a living. I'd like to add a bit of advice for the newbie too, but first let me clarify, my blog is to serve as a platform for my self-publishing ventures, I'm not a nurse profes...
  11. Taking time away from career-help!

    Taking time off to raise the kids used to be the norm, okay, a very long time ago. PRN is your answer. Work when the husband is at home and don't feel guilty. Guilt never fades I'm sorry to say, but my kids laugh when I admit to it because they we...
  12. Resume Help- new graduate

    Cayles, I'm retired but I wanted to offer a few comments. I'm guessing this is the standard resume your classmates will use too, but this is a dry uninteresting read. Were you voted any honors in nursing school? Did you present a checklist or give a ...
  13. Show Up On Your Own Radar

    Dead on pro-active advice. New nurses will do well to print this article out for handy reference. Learning to say no, when work spills over into your personal life by trying to invade it like kudzu, is the single best word a nurse can use on a dai...
  14. I read your post and noted your sign in is sunnyskies2. Sounds like a good outlook to me. The best way to get public speaking experience is to find something you believe in and volunteer. Hand out fliers and ask people to vote for something. The ...
  15. opinions please?

    I'd pay off the debt or at least tackle half of it first. More school isn't always the answer to debt, but if your heart is in nursing at least promise yourself you will move to an area hiring nurses if your current community doesn't. We're in a de...