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  1. Aria Health SON Students

    Girls I'm so excited! These tests are just for PRACTICE. They're just to give us an idea of what to expect when we take instructor or NCLEX exams. I found the fourth module particularly helpful. As for the tests, highest grade I got was a 70% and ...
  2. Aria Health SON Students

    Hey YYKS, I'm just printing whatever came up. I had such a hard time with these! I got a 70 on first one, 50 on second and third and a 40 on the fourth one!!! Instead of getting better I got WORSE! haha. I hope this was just to give us a feel for...
  3. 2012 January Aria students?

    did you do one of the tests? what was your score and which one was it?? They're really hard aren't they?? I know it won't count against us, that's why I'm not worried. I think they just want us to see what kind of questions we're up against in sch...
  4. Aria Health SON Students

    Same here yyks
  5. Aria Health SON Students

    Hi Celeste! You're a RIOT! But I agree....I thought all the hustle and bustle was done! -I've ordered uniforms...they're backordered -cannot buy books until school starts only have fundamentals books -Did two nurse logic - got 70% on first, 50% on...
  6. 2012 January Aria students?

    Hey wontgiveup! What the heck happened to allnurses?? I've been freaking out over these modules we have to do before Tuesday! I have NO IDEA what the deal is. I've completed two of them. I got a 70% on the first one and a 50% on the second one, wh...
  7. 2012 January Aria students?

    Hi Laditee! Good to see you on the forum. I remember you. Didn't we eat lunch together?? How is everything? You're the one with the nightshift job right? Well, I'm glad you found us...I LOVE this thread. It's been so cool to get to know people...
  8. Aria Health SON Students

    :hug: thanks avg5012!!! :)
  9. Aria Health SON Students

    Hi everybody. I checked out the Nurse Logic assignments. Viewed the first one last night but it was like 1:00am so I didn't answer the questions. Doesn't seem really easy, but probably not too hard either. I was TIRED. I'll try again in next da...
  10. 2012 January Aria students?

    Oh OK! Thanks Katie. Enjoy the remainder of our "free" time. :)
  11. 2012 January Aria students?

    Hi Katie WELCOME!!! make sure you check out the new forum Celeste started. Scroll back a page or two and you'll see the link. Take care! There's Kate (braided blonde hair), Katie and Kaitlin (but I get these two mixed up - SOOOO sorry!!!!!).
  12. 2012 January Aria students?

    Hey Bonnie90- If you're going to have the itouch or compatible device you'll have the Davis Drug guide, Davis' Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests and Tabers Medical Dictionary - so that'll be 3 books you don't have to purchase. Then, according to my ad...
  13. 2012 January Aria students?

    Hi everybody. Just ordered my uniforms. UGH! sooo expensive! But oh well, gotta do what we gotta do. Well, I'll be buying books here and there until I have everything. My advisor told me which books were a necessity in Nsg. 110, so I'll focus on...
  14. 2012 January Aria students?

    "celeste" thanks for making this site!!!
  15. 2012 January Aria students?

    Hello Ladies!! Well, Orientation is we feel, well, "oriented" haha So glad to meet ALMOST everyone. Where are you Bonnie, awarren and Jess 02??? Speak up we need to know who you are!