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About cjmama

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  1. PCC Wait List

    Yellowt - I don't know how to email you back on here (I don't see that option anywhere in messages - maybe I'm just bleary from taking care of a sick baby and toddler all night) To answer your question - I was number 1 on the wait list. I hope you he...
  2. PCC Wait List

    I got my spot offer last week and accepted - am official at PCC! Now the real work - finding money to go and childcare....
  3. PCC Wait List

    Ugh. I wish they would just tell me already! I am pretty high up on the waitlist, so I am almost 100% sure I have a spot...but it's just not the same as it being official, you know?
  4. PCC Wait List

    Hi, Has anyone who is a PCC alternate heard yet? Does anyone know when we might start hearing? On the edge of my seat (still!)
  5. Applicants to Portland area schools 2011

    Does the number on the letter from PCC ("waitlist number") correspond to your position on the waitlist?