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About melissadavon

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  1. Anyone seen any all-white shoes?

    I got $16 white clogs off amazon & they are much more comfy than the $60 New Balance I bought before that. I think the amazon ones are Light Weight Comfortable Nursing Clogs in white & they are $10 + $6 shipping. Order down a half size or do...
  2. Blood Sugars?

    Thanks for the responses everyone. I also should have mentioned, that I take less insulin & let myself run slightly high immediately after running 2-3 miles, otherwise I can crash an hour or two later. So this is also something else I have to ta...
  3. Blood Sugars?

    Well LCinTraining....let me try to explain how I feel about it to you. Diabetes and how it is treated is a hot-button topic for me. If I ever get to grad school and have to write a thesis, it is going to involve the BLAME, SHAME and finger-pointing ...
  4. Shy Student Nurse Advice...

    Willowita, you are describing me perfectly! Glad to know I'm not alone :)
  5. Blood Sugars?

    As nursing students, will we be expected to do blood sugar checks on each other? I've had diabetes for 19+ years and I consider my blood sugars to be private and personal regardless of the level. Even when I've been in the hospital (twice for having ...
  6. What was the first thing to go?

    Lol, okay I should definitely have said that my ACTUAL #1 thing to go is reading for pleasure. I normally read TONS - when a heavy-duty semester isn't in session. I miss reading, but I just do it in between semesters, at least until nursing school ...
  7. What was the first thing to go?

    The first thing (and ideally the only thing) that goes out the window at the start of a semester is my need for a clean house. It irritates me when it's dirty, but I can stand it for a little while before a mandatory cleaning session. Plus our two bo...
  8. I would like to know the answer to this as well. I am a junior in a nursing program and I'm trying to find a CNA position in a hospital and can't seem to find one. They are few & far between. I am wondering if CNA jobs in nursing homes would be m...
  9. First week in classes. Mental meltdown.

    I've started going to the student gym during my lunch hour. I can get in 2-3 miles on the tread mill & take a shower, eat a yogurt & a banana and still manage to get back to class on time. It's helping my stress levels as well as making me mo...
  10. How long is your commute to nursing school?

    I drive 75 miles (1 hr 15 min) each way to school, 5 days a week. Clinicals add 25-40 miles one way onto the trip depending on which location I'll be at. They are all, of course, further away for me than school is.... We traded in our minivan last su...
  11. CNA class at Kansas College of Nursing?

    I still have my scrubs & stuff from there in XL and the paperwork, if anyone is interested. I go to Pitt & they use scarlet scrubs so I can't use them.
  12. What to expect in traditional BSN nursing school ?

    Sorry, no advice for you....I just wanted to comment that we're in a similar boat. I'm 31 and got accepted into the BSN program for fall 2012. I've heard the first semester is grueling & I'd also like to hear some first hand accounts :)
  13. Anyone dealing with a discouraging advisor?

    Personally, I think I would request a new advisor....mine was very encouraging. I didn't think I could take Bio & Chem in the same semester, but she encouraged me to (she knows I'm a motivated adult student, I have 2 kids in grade school & w...
  14. smartphone for school

    Huh, didn't realize we would need anything. I did just notice the NP I was seeing last week was looking up Walmart's $4 Rx list on her smartphone, so I guess it makes sense. I actually just upgraded this morning to an iPhone 4S, so hopefully when I ...
  15. Acceptance letters

    Congratulations! Our letters here won't go out until around spring break, so I've still got another month to wait....