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About jadiva

jadiva has 12 years experience and specializes in Cardiovascular.

Latest Activity

  1. Excited & Nervous NP student

    I will be starting the Acute Care NP traditional on-campus program at UT Arlington this fall. I'm excited and ready to go. If I start to get nervous, then I will not do well. So I have to keep the excitement going :-) I wish all of you starting in...
  2. 1. I had jut cut off all my hair because I wanted to go natural without processing my hair anymore. However, my ID still had my long luxurious straightened permed hair. My pt grabbed my ID one day. Looked at it, then at me.Then said...."You look ...
  3. VA Hiring Process

    I can't say my experience has been great. I have been at the VA about a year now. It is by the grace of God that I have hung in there. A few things I will point out that drove me nuts:- 1. The thirsty male staff in other departments that see fresh...
  4. VA Hiring Process

    Today I obtained my CCRN. However, I was already reviewed by the board. I do not start the position until late July. I contacted the HR rep to ask if this will be considered for a change in the previous boarding level. I was told the board only r...
  5. VA Hiring Process

    Hello Natira, I hope you got that call today. Wishing all work out for you.
  6. Relocating to Dallas area - VA hospital

    Hi Pairo. I am also moving to Dallas on July 20 to be exact. I was offered a job at the VA as well. A little nervous, but am ready for the transition from New York. I also would like to know more about the facility.
  7. VA Hiring Process

    They didn't contact my nurse mgr. I am not sure about HR.
  8. VA Hiring Process

    I didn't hear from them since April. I just carried on until I received a call yesterday. I can see how some people give up. The process is lengthy.
  9. VA Hiring Process

    Hello all. I finally got a start date at the end of July. This process started when the job posting closed March 3 this year. I had the interview 1 week later. Drug testing and physical in early April. Completed vetpro and equip April and was boa...
  10. UTA FNP program online

    I started about a year ago and had to stop for financial reasons after completing the 1st class. I was paying from my pocket. It as ridiculously time consuming. I'm a sucker for punishment, so I will return to complete the program.
  11. VA Hiring Process

    So here is my story. I was called by the nurse recruiter for the VA in my state because I had submitted a resume about 6 months prior to her email. I was told that the interview would be tentative to me passing a test. The interview was scheduled ...
  12. Current VA RN Here To Provide Assistance

    Thanks for the information because I really did not know that.
  13. Current VA RN Here To Provide Assistance

    Well I just started (barely) the process. I had sent my resume via email to the nurse recruiter about 6 months ago. I was called the week of Christmas for a "potential interview which would be dependent on me passing a critical care test. I went i...
  14. VA Hiring Process

    At this VA. you have to take a test before getting an interview. It was a critical care exam. I thought I was taking the CCRN. It was difficult. However, experience and knowledge paid off. Onto the next step of interviewing soon.
  15. VA Hiring Process

    So I went in and did the test and got > 90%. Just so you all know...it was very difficult and I was surprised. I am waiting for the next step which will be the interview. Thanks all!