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About Francesca_H

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  1. So Confused! LPN or RN?

    Oh okay, thank you! I guess what I'm also confused on is...are there prereqs for getting into an LPN program? And also, obviously having a BSN will merit higher income, but would I still be successful as an RN with just an ADN? Thanks!
  2. So Confused! LPN or RN?

    Hello all! This upcoming fall I'll be starting my sophomore year of college. Currently this summer I am taking a Nursing Assistant course, and hope to be certified by September. My future goal is to eventually become an RN, but the different routes...
  3. The Ugly Side of Nursing!

    I completely understand body fluids aren't the only "ugly side" of nursing, and they may seem totally minor compared to various other things, but for me its personal hang up I've had basically my whole life.
  4. Emetophobia!!!!!

    Oh okay great, it definitely makes more sense now.
  5. Emetophobia!!!!!

    I'm talking about becoming a scrub or circulating nurse.
  6. Emetophobia!!!!!

    Also, since you said new grads you know of are being accepted into the OR, I'm a little confused about the schooling. I'm trying to understand if surgical nurses take more courses after completing a typical nursing program including clinicals, or if ...
  7. Emetophobia!!!!!

    Oh okay I see. Thanks!
  8. Emetophobia!!!!!

    Okay great, thanks for the info. I'm also just wondering about the amount of time or experience it takes to even become a surgical nurse, doesn't it take a while before you can choose a specialty?
  9. Emetophobia!!!!!

    Yes, obviously no one enjoys cleaning it up, I understand that. I guess I'm looking for more replies from people who can share actual personal experiences with me, maybe if they've overcame their weak stomachs and how they did it or things related to...
  10. Emetophobia!!!!!

    I posted the same one yesterday, yes. I've only gotten one reply. I posted it twice because I'm really desperate for some feedback from experienced professionals.
  11. Emetophobia!!!!!

    I'm really having trouble deciding if nursing is the career for me. For YEARS, I've dreamt about one day working as a nurse, and my ambitions soared after I started volunteering at my local pediatric hospital. I absolutely LOVE the environment and a ...
  12. The Ugly Side of Nursing!

    Hello all! My name is Francesca [Frankie], and I'm really having trouble deciding if nursing is the career for me. For YEARS, I've dreamt about one day working as a nurse, and my ambitions soared after I started volunteering at my local pediatric ho...