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About Dtomy

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  1. see you all this Friday for our orientation.
  2. hello, i will be starting BSn program on this fall 2011 in lamar. are you staying in dorm or in aptments?
  3. i am so sorry for you......why couldnt you find that class in any other universistiesss........because thats what i am doing it right now....i am taking that class online in texas a $m chorpus christi....before registering for that class we jus need...
  4. yes i am in their waiting list too......do you know when are they going to let us knw weather we are in or out????
  5. Anyone going to lamar uni on fall 2011 for BSN nursing program?????
  6. UTMB Fall 2011 Applicants

  7. UTMB Fall 2011 Applicants

    hey guysss....i am new here....those who havnt recieved their interview or any kind of letter....dont give up....because when i called they told me to wait until this semester ends and send them the new updated transcript. after the evaluation of tha...