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  1. Spring 2012 UH Manoa BSN Applicants

    jujubees1, call the bookstore about the books. Someone might be able to give you the list of books you'll need. You'll use some books a lot more than others this semester. I didn't read every book that we were required to buy. I still haven't opened ...
  2. Recommended stethescopes/Nursing Central for UH?

    Stethoscope: A good one will be helpful for first semester, but is not required. You probably won't be able to hear subtle heart or lung sounds. However, it's not that big of a deal if you can't. They didn't really emphasize distinguishing sounds, so...
  3. KCC ADN FALL 2011

    Hi Arii, not in either. Going to UHM. Either school is a great choice, but I think KCC is stronger on the skills.
  4. Spring 2012 UH Manoa BSN Applicants

    It is possible to work while going to school; but if you have kids, you probably won't see them. Several students work during the weekends. Some even work weekdays, too. I think if your job is at a flexible 24/7 establishment, you'd be able to put in...
  5. KCC ADN FALL 2011

    I read the NLN study guide. It covered the test material well. I think one of the tricks is to not underanticipate the physics and circuitry stuff. I don't know if it was my version of the test, but that's what traumatized me the most. So I guess the...
  6. Spring 2012 UH Manoa BSN Applicants

    [Hi, going2BaNurse2014. I think I know who you might be, and you probably know who I am. Nice to see you here!] Yes, I don't think you can go wrong with the profs for the first semester. They all have their strengths. Overall, it's been an enjoyable...
  7. Spring 2012 UH Manoa BSN Applicants

    For those who need to get their titers, if you go to DLS and pay cash up front, I think they'll give you a 50% discount. I had insurance, but wasn't sure it would cover the test, so I paid cash up front. It should cost ~$60-$100 depending upon what...
  8. KCC or UHManoa application

    I know of two students who got into KCC's program with ~120 NLN scores. They were both alt listed and eventually accepted. One had a 4.0 and the other had a 3.8. Both had nurse aide training. On the other hand, I know of another student with a ~150 s...
  9. Spring 2012 UH Manoa BSN Applicants

    And for those who are didn't get in to KCC or are alt listed, it is possible to not get accepted at KCC but accepted at UHM. I know of several students who applied to both but were only accepted at UHM.
  10. Spring 2012 UH Manoa BSN Applicants

    Congratulations to those who got in. Be prepared to work hard. There's down time and time for work or fun, but exams and paper due dates have a tendency to bunch up. Just as you're breathing a sigh of relief after turning in a paper or finishing up a...
  11. A winning lottery ticket should also be on our list...
  12. I hear you on that one. School starts on Monday and we just had to replace four tires. It was an unanticipated event. After recently spending a ton of money on books, supplies, and tuition, we did NOT need this to happen so close to the start of scho...
  13. I'm only a very soon to be nursing student with no connections to a hospital, hospital administration, or nursing organization, so I can't offer an insiders perspective of Hawaii's nursing situation; however, I do think the question you initially pos...
  14. Streamlining care plan writing

    Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread. It was interesting to see the variation in length of care plans required by different schools. If one hates care plan writing, looks like inthere's school is the way to go. Regarding time saving tips for...
  15. I've been going over some of the many care plan threads and have found a lot of great information about how to do one. However, I am wondering if anyone has any tips for streamlining the writing process. The sound of 20+ page single-spaced care plans...