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About lehx01

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  1. seems like everyones got the same plan as me as soon as they finish this program... im also planning on doing a rn-bsn program at ccsu as well as a masters there. they work with the new britian hospitals so if u are a ccsu student the hospitals pay s...
  2. wait doesnt registration start this april or am i way off ? the ccc calender online doesnt list registration dates. i thought it was the first week of april. regardless its a couple weeks away at most...i hope
  3. Well my friend apparently got a letter/email saying her application was incomplete. It was because she didn't include her AP 2 grade but that doesn't make sense considering that's the only course that's allowed to be in progress. Come to think about ...
  4. jeez seeing all these impressive stats is so intimidating....while i dont think i'll be the first choice i'm hoping i'll get one of the lottery spots. cmon the world needs bilingual hispanic males nurses too lol. i mean i really have no back up plan ...