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About angeljs12000

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  1. Seattle U - APNI 2013

    Super exciting again to see all the posts! Good luck Calinca!
  2. Taking an IV out and then taking bp?

    Thanks for the tip, it was in the AC so I could have tried that. Guess I am still wondering if that is normal though. How long do you usually have to wait for the IV site to "stay" closed (:???
  3. Taking an IV out and then taking bp?

    she had cellulitis on the other arm and it was really painful so she requested the one that the IV had come out of
  4. How long should you wait before taking the blood pressure on an arm you took an IV out of? I had a healthy 37 year old not on any blood thinners or anything and I took her IV out almost 3 hrs before taking the blood pressure on that arm. When I took ...
  5. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    yes its true, Im getting about 20 in sub/un-subsidized and 40 in grad plus so 60k total this year. This is more than I needed but I got approved for it and wasn't sure how much I would need for living costs. Also, not sure if the SU website is still ...
  6. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    I think I remember asking them that Q last year. I think they interview about 150 people and then maybe 30-40 waitlisted? This year a ton got off the waitlist, like 20 probably. The year before I heard they only took like 5 off the waitlist. And as f...
  7. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    Quite a few have kids, one of us has 5 kids!!! As long as you make it clear you have a great support system (if they ask) I don't think it'll hurt you. And they do ask in the interview about how you will be supported and survive through the program. ...
  8. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    yeah, sorry didn't mean for it to sound like volunteer experience is everything, just wanted to emphasize that we all have volunteer experience so they might as well make it a prereq. Im SURE actual work around healthcare will look good too. I just k...
  9. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    that sounds amazing!
  10. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    in our cohort theres about 11 in both FNP and ANP, and the rest (comm, midwif, psych) have about 7 or 8. I'm not sure how competitive they all are but I know FNP is the most competitive and I think comm is the least... just guessing? 50 all together ...
  11. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    Well I have been a server FOREVER now so the 2 yrs between my BA and SU I worked. I volunteered over one summer at a retirement home and then the next year volunteered for hospice for about 7-8 months. I was basically doing anything I could to help m...
  12. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    I don't think a phone interview will hurt you, the staff seems pretty understanding. Many of our cohort came from out of state (the majority I think) so I am sure not all were able to do an in person interview.
  13. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    Hi Lune lol
  14. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    First off, you should apply. It's $50, or was, and you don't have to pay again if you apply the next year, so nothing to lose. Also, the majority of us didn't have volunteer experience in healthcare. SU just wants to know that it's students have volu...
  15. Seattle U - APNI 2012

    Well the first yr I applied I wasn't going to have my BA or my prereqs done until June but I applied for the hell of it. The second time I blew the interview, they told me that I would make a good nurse but maybe I should shadow an NP and I was waitl...