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About Chad_KY_SRNA

Nurse Aide for 2 & 1/2 years, Second Year Pre-Nursing Student, EMT-B Student

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  1. Tattoo...

    I always wanted to get something medical or nursing related, this was before I dropped out of nursing school and decided to be an EMT, I have decided if I get another tattoo that it will be the chinese symbol for the word "ouch". Its not specific to ...
  2. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    Not exactly a nursing ghost story but my best friend who I was living with at the time and myself were painting the house and he yelled for me to "come here quick". He was painting the outside of the bedroom door at the time. There were very small ha...
  3. Dreading work, feeling like a fake

    Its always hard being the new kid on the block. :chair: You feel like going somewhere and hiding. Remember, in an emergency you can call another nurse to come advise and help you, your CNAs have seen a lot and can help you out. Call the doctor and if...
  4. My friend was taken to jail and booked on suspicion of DUI, she demanded they draw labs and swears she was not impaired.
  5. My friend was taken to jail and booked on suspicion of DUI, she demanded they draw labs and swears she was not impaired.
  6. A friend of mine was arrested tonight for possible DUI, can she loose her nursing license for this?
  7. A friend of mine was arrested tonight for possible DUI, can she loose her nursing license for this?
  8. That makes me nervous.
  9. I want a yellow stethoscope, know where I can find one?

    I finally found one and since I have been a poor unemployed EMT student for so long, I worked out a deal with a friend to provide services as a personal assistant and got it paid for
  10. Nurses vs EMTs?

    Being a hero or martyr is not exactly the same as providing rescue breathing to a dying patient when no type of barrier device is available. If a stranger found you in respiratory arrest would you want them to not perform rescue breathing because the...
  11. Nurses vs EMTs?

    I understand scene safety and BSI however if it comes down to a kid dying because I am afraid of what he may have, I am going to do my best to save the child. I know what can happen on a scene, I was watching the local NBC affiliate one afternoon whe...
  12. Nurses vs EMTs?

    Well personal safety is great but if I am in a situation where a pt is not breathing and has a pulse, I am going to start rescue breathing because no breathing= no pulse. Suppose that it happens at the local Save A Lot in my home town with our lights...
  13. Nurses vs EMTs?

    To the OP, heard anything on the kid?
  14. Nurses vs EMTs?

    Well I am an :redlight:EMT and CNA:redlight:, I would have stabilized the c-spine, log rolled the pt, cleared the airway, and then assessed breathing. Sounds like once the airway was clear he started breathing regularly so rescue breathing was not in...
  15. Don't Rough My Newborn Up!!!!!!!

    In EMS I have always heard, If you drop a baby pick it up, thats why they come with bungee cords.