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  1. anxiety vs. agitation; Ativan vs. Haldol

    Not much. I think I need to raise the question in an organization-wide way. Just sent out an email about this - thanks.
  2. I've been a nurse since before you were born, and a hospice nurse for 7 years. My concern/peeve is this: Ativan is sometimes ordered and given for agitation, with no Haldol or other antipsychotic available. This drives me to. . . psychosis. In my b...
  3. Difficulty removing PICC line

    I tried to remove a PICC line today that had been in for 6 months, site looks good, no issues with it. (I'm an infusion nurse but not recently). It pulled about halfway out with gentle intermittent traction, then stopped. I massaged the arm above, ...
  4. management of bone ca pain

    I've been a nurse for umpteen years, and a hospice nurse for 6. My impression with bone pain from mets is that ibuprofen works better than decadron, along with a narcotic (the pts are always on narcs to begin with, so I don't have experience with Ib...
  5. Help on how to get required hours for CDE.

    Thanks for this post. I just started working in a clinic where we deal with lots of diabetics and do teaching; I thought "Oh, I'll become a Certified Diabetes Educator" and was floored by the number of hours required. I don't get it - it seems insu...
  6. dakins sol'n bladder irrigation?

    Thanks SO much. I'll pass this on to his MD. It's wonderful to have this level of support available! DM
  7. bladder irrigation w/dakin's soln?

    I've found this referred to in old texts, but can't find anything current. We have a patient whose catheter plugs with purulent matter every 1-2 weeks, despite biweekly irrigations. The sides of the connector become narrowed by hard, white dep...
  8. I've found this referred to in old texts, but can't find anything current. I'm not a student, but saw great responses here, and don't know where else to ask this. We have a patient whose catheter plugs with purulent matter every 1-2 weeks, despite b...
  9. A Time to Die

    Thanks, Debilpn. Hope you can get there - it's sweet work.
  10. Thanks! LOVE this site - so many good brains to pick. I'll stop rolling my eyes when I use filter needles. . .
  11. A Time to Die

    Thanks, guys! Shucks. . .
  12. Nurse Concierge - any experiences?

    Thanks, Blondy. Good points!
  13. Nurse Concierge - any experiences?

    Thanks for your input, Ashley. I do plan to call the BON. As I mentioned, we'd be a "knowledgeable go-between" for pts and MD's - I'd never adjust medications without an order. It's certainly within our scope of practice to assess and triage - jus...
  14. Fired for writing a nursing order? interesting link about how to deal with having been fired.
  15. Fired for writing a nursing order?

    Oh, the "fired" thing. . . I'd call your (former) HR department and ask what they'll say to prospective employers. Maybe call places where you're NOT going to apply and ask how best to discuss this? Just a thought. Hang in there, m'dear. You mig...