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About LaurenMarie

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  1. El Centro Nursing Program Points System

    I got in on 17 points... I am about to start my second semester though, so things may have changed a little bit. I think you definitely wouldn't want any less than 16, but I'd try for 17 or 18 if you can get that HESI up. or enroll for summer two to ...
  2. Putting diagnoses in priority order? Help!

    Lord help me so that I may never make a silly mistake again. Thats right. tissue perfusion before infection...
  3. Putting diagnoses in priority order? Help!

    OP, I would use Ineffective airway clearance number 1, then impaired gas exchange, then risk for infection, then tissue perfusion, then pain, then anxiety... I think thats all of them... :0)
  4. First semester of clinical made me change my mind

    The best advice I can give you is to think of them as your grandparents... there is something in a nurse that wants to provide care to people who need it. Think of taking care of the older patients as your grandparents. I think it would be foolish t...
  5. Need lots of advice for a failed nursing student.

    First piece of advice would be to get your lives in order. If you can't do that, then you're not going to be successful the second time around. You need your family/friends backing you 100%. If I were you, I'd bite the bullet and try to get into an ...
  6. you need to watch the WBC lab values... a high WBC count is indicative of infection. Encourage early enteral feeding with human breastmilk... rationale: it enhances defenses of infant Avoid prophylactic use of topical cream in premature infants. Rat...
  7. Why these meds... please help me figure this out.

    I did some research on it at my patient does have AIDS because KS is present. CD4 could still be 320, but because of the KS, its automatically AIDS. Patient is on prophylactic Vanc because of the threat of Pneumocystis Carnii Pneumonia. His chart sa...
  8. Why these meds... please help me figure this out.

    CD4 T Cell Absolute (thats what it says here on the lab report) says 320; 416-1751. I don't know what the magic number is to call it AIDS, I haven't learned that yet. Im probably gonna go look it up though... Here is the letter from the liaison at ou...
  9. Why these meds... please help me figure this out.

    The fever can be an obvious sign of infection, but it went away on its own before medication was administered. Patient came in on day 3... day 1 and 2 he had fever, day three he did not. Said he took nothing to make it go away. I have a hard time ...
  10. Why these meds... please help me figure this out.

    I've been busy in simulation lab today... after having this patient, the one we did sim on was easy!
  11. Why these meds... please help me figure this out.

    thanks for your replies... this is the interesting part: I was just doing research on my patients drugs as part of an assignment and found out that Heparin is made from pig and cow parts. My patient is Muslim. He doesn't eat cow pig or a bunch of o...
  12. Ok. I had a patient this week in rotations and here is his Dx: HIV Hep B Diplopia GERD. Can someone please explain to me why 1. Dr.s put everyone on Heparin. He has NO hx of DVT or Pulmonary Embolus. No abd surgery. Nothing. 2. my pt is on Vancomycin...
  13. El Centro Nursing Program Points System

    I just started my first semester at El Centro about a week ago... I had 17 points and I chose El Centro as my first option. We had 6 people that were no shows/didn't have background check in time... so there were spots available after our orientation...
  14. El Centro/Northlake Spring 2011

    We're all so excited about it... Kanora told me that we just have to wait till orientation to get the scoop. I asked her about scrubs, texts....she said wait till they explain everything to you on the 20th! Ms. Becker did tell me that we have to ord...
  15. UT Arlington RN-BSN spring 2010

    ok you guys... this is not a program that gives you your RN license... you have to have your RN license before you can enroll in this program... It is a bridge RN-BSN program for people who have their RN (which is an Associates Degree in Nursing) who...