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  1. Since you seem interested in long term career growth, maybe you could ask questions of the staff regarding their level of involvement in the GI department. These questions could give you some good insight to how your career may start and continue to ...
  2. Anyone else the QUIET nurse?

    I just finished a book, "Quiet: the Power of Introvert in a World That Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain, an ex wall street lawyer. She said "1/3 to 1/2 of people are introverts." She discusses the benefits of being "quiet" in your personal and profe...
  3. Is anybody else tired of the nurse practitioner craze?

    Isn't this already occurring in some areas? So do you see this as a possibility and hope for growth of the NP role then? OP, I see some of your points but agree with some who mention that NPs have a vital role in health care right now. Politics is c...
  4. tips for pediatric OR?

    Thank you for those insights. Flavored anesthesia masks? Never knew they had these.
  5. tips for pediatric OR?

    hello periop nurses, I am hoping that some nurses on here may have some tips for pediatric perioperative nursing? I have never worked with peds in any setting (under 18) and understand there are certain developmental issues to consider to be successf...
  6. Helping pts cope with painful procedures

    haha, I remember during my OB rotation, the nurse was working hard to coach the woman through her breathing while the baby was crowning. I felt a little helpless and just kept saying "almost there, I see the head!" I kept repeating this multiple time...
  7. Hi all, I work in an urgent care clinic and many times, patients come in requiring short procedures (minor burn management, wound care). I am wondering, from your personal experiences (maybe even as a patient), what are some strategies to help your p...
  8. Urgent Care Clinic

    It could prepare for working in the ER. The hospital interviews I have been too have asked if I were interested in the ER because of the triage experience in urgent care.
  9. Private Loan Debt Stressed Out New Grad! HELP! 2011 round ended but 2012 may be coming up if the gov renews the program.
  10. Private Loan Debt Stressed Out New Grad! HELP!

    Nursing schools are getting expensive. College overall is getting expensive and an average income has not risen much to compensate for the rising costs. Have you considered the federal loan forgiveness program for nurses? It helps pay some of your l...
  11. OR RN work schedule?

    During the week that you work 12s, does that mean you work fewer days? (3 days vs 5) or do you still work 5 days and count any hours over 12 as overtime?
  12. OR RN work schedule?

    Hello or RNs, Do you mind sharing what a work schedule is like for OR nurses at your facility? From what I have learned so far, it seems that OR nurses generally work every day, start early in the day and end early. Is it dependent on the r...
  13. Following up with patients?

    Hello periop nurses, Is there any way to follow up with patients after their procedures? I see how the surgeons could do this but what about a nurse? As a nurse in a clinic setting, I follow up with all patients that I triage and send home if thir is...
  14. Breaking In

    Hi Skipbeat, I am in a similar situation such as yours except I am coming from another specialty. I signed up for a periop 101 to help with the transition. Some hospitals offer OR fellowships which experienced and non-experienced nurses can sign up f...
  15. What subject or subjects would you take out

    Nursing is a humanitarian service. Studying the humanities, whether in school or outside of school, is a good prerequisite for any human service profession.