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About VANurse2010

VANurse2010 has 6 years experience.

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  1. ER rushing patients to the floor

    ER nurses have never transported any but vented patients anywhere I"ve worked. Nice try.
  2. What is a Cardiac Surgery Step Down Unit Like?

    The best person to answer these questions is your unit director, but in general... Telemetry and step-down are the same thing in some hospitals, and in others step-down is higher acuity with lower patient:nurse ratios. Step-down may take more and di...
  3. Staff Development Coordinator

    Your opinion that you're qualified for this job is objectively false.
  4. ER rushing patients to the floor

    Are you people serious? The floor nurse is supposed to leave her other 4-6 patients to go transport a patient from the ED? Does your director have a picture of the CNO with a goat? Utter BS.
  5. Nurses pulling rank on assignments

    Really? You triple the travelers and floats first - the ones who bail you out of staffing clusters? What a s show of a unit.
  6. Nurses pulling rank on assignments

    None of those are legitimate reason except perhaps the orientee. I am an experienced ICU nurse.
  7. Hoyer Lift Issue

    Inform them that an order to use equipment against safety guidelines is not a valid order and you won't be doing it. Document the date and time of the conversation. You'll get nailed if you lie in your charting just as quick as if a patient gets hu...
  8. Staff Development Coordinator

    You are throwing out the "insulting" and "rude" bits to distract from the substance of what's actually being said. Frankly, the "tone" is irrelevant, and you're still not qualified.
  9. Staff Development Coordinator

    Don't confuse your getting an interview or even getting hired with actually being qualified for the job. They aren't indicators for that and you're not qualified.
  10. Staff Development Coordinator

    You are not qualified for that job, irrespective of your masters and administrative positions. You have to have some clinical expertise or at least a lot of clinical exposure. You don't have it. The other comment may have bene overbearing, but I fi...
  11. Almost fired for med error

    I hope you enjoy your moral superiority on the unemployment line.
  12. Annoying words/behaviours during report

    That's all well and good but it's not a "medication error" if the doctor's order doesn't match what they take at home.
  13. Almost fired for med error

    Why did you write it up if the doctor changed the order? Why do people insist on hanging themselves?
  14. Denied PTO for my marriage

    I get that, but this is supposedly a professional job and management should be a bit more collaborative with solutions. I would expect this type of condescension from a retail or hospitality outfit, not from a so-called professional environment. ETA...
  15. Denied PTO for my marriage

    This is far enough in advance that you should just find a new job and quit. I'm a little put off by all the advocates for putting the unit before your life, but that's the lay of (some people's) land I guess.