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About Jmira.BSN.RN

Jmira.BSN.RN has 5 years experience.

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  1. you mentioned allergy/sinus meds. Certain types are sold from the pharmacy desk and you have to show ID. I think because theres an ingredient in it that they use in making meth (along with lots of other gunk) I could be wrong but maybe thats why it s...
  2. Med/Surg to ICU - Need Advice

    it might depend on your area, but in many places a PCU/Stepdown/DSU unit is a great stepping stone into the ICU. The patients are mid level and you will get to experience things like drips/vents/Q4 assessments/etc more acute patient load than med sur...
  3. How to NOT stress when a patient has high acuity

    Talk to your preceptor as well as your manager. They want to help you. Med surg is crazy but you will get the hang of it. I actually asked for an extra week of orientation and it helped me lots. I used that week to do everything 100% and she just was...
  4. joining Med-Surg after 5 years

    Thank you for replying, your responses are great. Organizing is key! Sometimes between discharges and transfers and admits we go through 10 patients and gotta know everything about all of them, a good brains is very helpful
  5. joining Med-Surg after 5 years

    Yes!! I thought for sure I would have lost some of my skills and knowledge but nope it really is like hopping back on that bike! My years of psych have helped me a lot now in med surg, and as far as hospice we do comfort/peaceful transition cares all...
  6. joining Med-Surg after 5 years

    Hi ?? actually not a tough transition. Been doing good. All those years of experience definitely help on the floor. A lot of what We do like assessments and meds and dealing with drs and family members is just like dealing with them on any floor. Th...
  7. Burnt out from the staff I work with - what should I do?

    OP, it ISNT your responsibility to handle the problems of these other nurses. They have a license to protect. I understand that as the charge you are the one gonna be stuck dealing with incident reports and xyz if it happens. But sometimes there's no...
  8. joining Med-Surg after 5 years

    bumpitty bump :)
  9. Help a Stressed New Med-Surg Nurse

    Welcome to nursing. I mean that in a very warm-hearted way. This is what every nurse in every capacity deals with. This is the stark reality of the life of a nurse. Chronically short staffed, intensely crunched for time, I could go on and on. It isn'...
  10. joining Med-Surg after 5 years

    Hi AN friends, Looking for tips and tricks, and recs for study tools or courses to help make a smooth transition into medsurg. I am making the switch to Med-surg 5 years now into my career as an RN. I worked as a CNA as a float, and then once an RN...
  11. New Grad in Outpt. OR - any advice is much appreciated!

    Hi, I actually came on here looking for some tips too since I will be transitioning into pre-op OR for the remainder of my pregnancy as my unit is too physical at this stage in my pregnancy. I just wanted to let you know that all new grad jobs are ...
  12. High dose Ativan for negative symptoms of schizophrenia

    Yes. OP, true catatonia will be treated with ativan. I have seen it used as both one time doses that were frequently re-ordered as well as routine (TID/QID) orders. Its very effective. Always be mindful that when a patient comes to they can remember ...
  13. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    Hi guys, been a long time since I posted. I took some time off from the program after completing the first 4 classes and will next month be starting classes up again beginning with intro to nursing research. How is everyone doing? Ill admit Ive had ...
  14. Transition out of psych

    Thanks for replying. I was wondering how you go about finding an ED training program? That sounds like a really good idea
  15. How many hours is your shift?

    i work 12s