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About kamsmom

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  1. NICU Internship Interview tomorrow

    That's awesome! I have my 1st interview tomorrow! I just got the call today. Any advice? What kind of questions did they ask you?
  2. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    A few people I know went to a recent information session said Feb 7th was the deadline. BUT keep in mind, you can only apply if you follow their specific steps. 1- be on the maricopa nursing program waitlist. 2- only those on the waitlist can see and...
  3. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    Congrats!!! We started today and took NUR 330 over the summer. It is going to be a great program!
  4. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    No problem. I like to help. I actually did not have all my pre-reqs complete and was accepted on provisional status, meaning as long as my classes were complete before the program started, I was fine. They only wanted people to come to the January i...
  5. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    No I just got on the waitlist Dec 2010. Most of the people that got in had been on it for a year or more. I was planning on applying to ASU for the fall which is why I already had a lot of the pre-reqs. I only placed myself on the waitlist as a bac...
  6. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    I had a 3.72. Not very many people jumped on the first info session which was surprising, so I know one person with a 3.0 who actually was on the alternate list. Just work hard and stay on top of the emails they send out because the sessions offered...
  7. ASU Fall 2011 hopeful's

    yes, it is very difficult for transfer students to get in even with a 3.9 that I have! I would say you should either take at least 11 of your 17 pre-reqs at ASU or apply elsewhere. :) Great BSN program though.
  8. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    You can talk to some of the advisors at the NAU for extended campuses and they have to enter you in the class because the seats are reserved for students admitted into the program. I am taking NUR 330 this summer. Is anyone else?
  9. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    Have you been to the info sessions or advisement sessions for the new program? they are listed on the maricopa status page
  10. GAPP at PCH - graduating Dec 2010

    There is one posted now.
  11. Maricopa Wait List Question

    The Southwest skills center has an LPN program which is why the have 30 spots every fall for people wanting to go into block 3. Many students do their LPN program then go directly into block 3. I would check it out. It is a nice school with a new ...
  12. Maricopa Wait List Question

    There are always openings at estrella in block 3. They told me they hold 30 seats and last fall they still had openings a week before class started.
  13. Phoenix College BIO 201

    Hey :) I am in BIO 205 in the hybrid portion too this summer! I have a lot of courses I am finishing up because I start the GCC/NAU BSN concurrent program in August. Going to be a busy summer. I heard the instructor was great also. I emailed her...
  14. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    below are the upcoming info sessions. they are already full and there were hundres of spots open. i would advise all of you to enroll in the additional courses and stay on top of any new info sessions. don't wait for an email, check the maricopa n...
  15. GCC/NAU Concurrent Program

    I was accepted also. Nice to meet you :)Have you signed up for the summer class yet or finished up your app to NAU's nursing dept?