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  1. Full sharps containers not getting emptied!?

    In my facility it is housekeeping as well. We do not even have access to the spare empties or the keys to remove the full from the wall/our carts. Ours do have the flip tops on them, but one time i told housekeeper standing next to me that mine on ...
  2. GRADUATED!!! Do I call myself RN yet?

    I think the easiest thing to say is "i have my adn/bsn (whichever is the case) and I WILL BE an RN as soon as I pass boards" Outside of nursing most dont understand..."graduated, but not an RN yet" or even what a GN is. And yes you are not an RN u...
  3. Dysphoric Mania---what's up with THAT??

    Dysphoric manic for me sucks......Its like a TON of energy that I just cant get out...just want to scream to let it out but know it wont help....I pace am very easily frustrated, very easily ticked off, yell. I broke my laptop harddrive once becaus...
  4. Tuition Forgiveness Tax

    Think of it this way (also a UPMC school grad) .....that money is is still 100% yours. They are just forcing you to have a savings plan. When you hit 2 years, your pay check that pay period will have that almost $19,000 on ONE PAY CHEC...
  5. University of Pitt - New Nurse/New Hire Medication Exam

    Yep...and really its one of the few antidotes that ANY nurse should know. Peak rate I guessed because what I thought it was overlapped 2 of the choices they gave so I guessed the one that made more sence and it was right. Really its a very fair te...
  6. St. Margarets Nursing School

    Not that I know of. Many had jobs at graduation. Only a couple im not sure where they are or what they are doing. I took a while...started my job Jan 2nd....and I know one girl started last week.
  7. CCAC Spring 2013

    COMPLETELY agree. They are TOUGH but you come out the other end knowing what you are doing. Ask an experienced nurse. ANY I have heard an opinon from on that would rather work with a new diploma grad then a new bsn grad or associates grad(in gene...
  8. New License and CE hours

    So until Nov 1 2013 your ceu s do not matter. After nov 1 keep a folder with proof of your ceus in case you get audited....aparently it does happen. Like nov 1 13- oct 31 15.....need 30. I think when you renew you just say you have them and if the...
  9. New License and CE hours

    NO. Thankfully the lady at orientation to my job explained this to us. First licence renewal is the end oct or april that is closest to 1 year out without being less then a year. I was licenced nov so april 2014 I renew. That renewal requires no...
  10. University of Pitt - New Nurse/New Hire Medication Exam

    First week of orientation is all nurses orienting to hospital....all more genaric not unit specific type stuff. How to use charting system, different policy and equipment type things that are hospital or even UPMC wide that may not be same as where ...
  11. University of Pitt - New Nurse/New Hire Medication Exam

    I just started at st margaret in jan. The test I think is same across hospitals. Basic calculation. Drip rates. Do you understand difference between basal and prandial coverage and what you would and would not give for npo pt ty...
  12. Nclex 1/3/12... Did I pass???

    PVT WORKS!!!! you passed........i know i did the same thing doing the PVT a hundred times until my license posted. Congrats to both of you. I know when I came out of mine, 75 questions in an hour I felt like I didnt know HALF of the questions they we...
  13. First Nursing Pay

    I should have mine in 2 or 3 weeks depending on how pay periods fall. (Start and find out tomorrow) First pay check will be to fill my gas tank and start paying my credit cards down. (and have them completely paid off in 2-3 pay checks. Once direc...
  14. St. Margarets school of nursing feb 2013

    Shoes, anything as long as mostly white. Athletic are ok. I got Danskos and love them. Just one thing to keep in mind when you are looking at shoes, especially athletic shoes, is you will be emptying containers of and cleaning every bodily fluid...
  15. St. Margarets school of nursing feb 2013

    The meet and greet day is nice to go to, but it really isnt super important unless you are still deciding on if you are really sure this is for you, or if are deciding between schools. You dont really spend the whole day with a student. Only an hou...