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About Sinah

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  1. Resigning

    As nurses, I am sure that we've all been in situations where we've felt that more staff was needed on the unit for patient safety; but how many of us have seen an aide give IV medications? Sorry, I have not, but that was a deal breaker for me....
  2. Resigning

    Ruby, I am not a new grad, and my decision had nothing to do with staffing shortages, but witnessing unlicensed workers giving medication via IV push! Either way I gave notice, and was offered a different position within the same company but differen...
  3. Resigning

    What are your thoughts on quitting a position without giving two weeks notice? I have never done this before; but I feel that my license is at risk! I've tried talking to my manager, but then felt like I was being hazed after speaking up. I have witn...
  4. Will be taking the Nclex for the second time

    Yes it is stressful, but it will be worth it when you pass. Stay confidant, and a little valerian root really helped to relax me before my test...Good luck to you.
  5. Is it to soon?

    Hi Lunah. If you don't mind me long did it take for you to complete your BSN?
  6. Is it to soon?

    Thanks for the replys. The two programs that I can begin in October are Chamberlain College of Nursing or Jacksonville University. Both are very expensive, but both are online which I love! If I go now I will still qualify for financial aid......Have...
  7. Is it to soon?

    Hello, I just recently graduated with my ASN, passed boards and will be starting a residency position next month. However, I really want my BSN, and then my MSN. Is it to soon to think about going back to school? How long did some of you guys wait be...
  8. 2nd time taking nclex and driving myself crazy

    Just giving you guys an update...I passed!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't contain myself right now. I am an R.N. Thanks for the great advice & encouragement.
  9. Will be taking the Nclex for the second time

    Wow this sounds like my first test....Horrible experience. I agree that you should wait for the official results & go from there. If you have to retake the letter that they send out will tell you which areas to work on. I just took my 2nd test to...
  10. retake tomorrow!

    Good luck, Suns...My advice is the same that everyone gave me before my test today. Stay calm!!!! Take your time. You know this info & you will pass...I also prayed a lot. Let us know how it goes...
  11. 2nd time taking nclex and driving myself crazy

    Thank you! I took the exam today. I was so calm it was almost eerie...I finished at 75 questions, and got the good pop up on PV..Thanks for your support, you guys are wonderful!!!!!!
  12. Devastated just took the pvt

    Same to you!!!! I am re-taking on Tuesday and going in praying....
  13. Devastated just took the pvt

    Cilla, I am in Illinois too and if you got the good pop up then I think that you can begin celebrating. I didn't pass a couple months ago & it went to the cc page, everyone else that passed got the good pop up.
  14. 2nd time taking nclex and driving myself crazy

    I know that you are right about staying calm & confident being the key to passing. I read your story and it really touched me. There is always someone in a worse predicament than ourselves. Congratulations on your accomplishment! I felt like a li...
  15. 2nd time taking nclex and driving myself crazy

    I think that's where I made my mistake the first time around not doing as many questions. However, that's been my main focus this time around & making sure that I read the rationales. I will take your advice about not studying the day before. May...