

Med-Surg, Transplant

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About RNJill

RNJill has 4 years experience and specializes in Med-Surg, Transplant.

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  1. Odd interactions

    Oh my gosh...sooo many. Several years as an RN and now a short time as an NP has given me a wealth of odd encounters. And yes, I would agree with the previous poster who said that "odd" is the norm with patient interactions. LOL. 1) I had a patient o...
  2. Nurses- medical provider needs your opinion!

    The biggest thing that I can echo that has already been mentioned is taking the time to do protocol orders! When I was a nurse prior to being an NP, the hospital I worked at FINALLY underwent a research-based project to place more protocol order sets...
  3. Should I take a job in Nursing home

    Unless you are on the verge of homelessness or something similar, I would NOT take a position with only a week's orientation if you're completely inexperienced. Yes, that is a nice salary especially if you live in lower cost areas. However, even for ...
  4. You should know better

    I definitely could cut down on sweets. Not overweight but I loooove chocolate, basically any homemade baked good, and ICE CREAM. And yes, over the previous long weekend I did visit a new-to-me but very popular bakery in my city and enjoy a large red ...
  5. Advice needed to stay afloat!

    I think one thing to realize that will hopefully be at least somewhat comforting-although not a magical fix-is that 3 months is just the beginning of a career. It is entirely natural to feel out of your depth at this point and feel like there is so m...
  6. I used to get report a lot from ER, and in response to the last thread, yes I could read a lot about them in the EMR and had no problem doing that. Really, I had NO problem not hearing about every single operation they'd had since 1968 and not hearin...
  7. It is definitely possible as I worked with at least a handful of people who'd moved from dialysis/LTC/clinics to my inpatient unit. Funny thing is, I feel like on the impatient side there were always those people who were desperate to go to outpatien...
  8. Depends on what you mean by that. On one hand, coming off as quiet and reserved can actually be an asset. I'm an introvert and those adjectives can fit me until I know someone, but they have never really been a disadvantage. I think in nursing they c...
  9. Take this job and shove it!

    I also feel like another issue, regardless of simply *whether* or not change occurrs, is if it occurs in a way that changes things before a long period of time has passed. My former workplace where I was an RN started to have some serious retention i...
  10. The other conditions/issues listed seem irrelevant to the vanc dose issue...obesity, multiple comorbidities, tons of meds, etc. They definitely seem like things that shouldn't affect the rate of vanc too considerably for the patient. Vanc is typicall...
  11. full time np still wanting to do RN work?

    Enjoy your 8-9 hour days...I would not recommend trying to orient/work as an RN on the weekends. Yes, it is nice to have RN experience (I had a respectable amount before becoming an NP) but I would say that now that you are an NP you should focus on ...
  12. Some people are too smart for nursing

    Ehhh, do what YOU want and tune out the peanut gallery :) I can tell you that people will ALWAYS have comments (even about the stupidest things at the most ridiculous times!) and really, that it all the more reason why YOU should make the decisions f...
  13. First NP Job With Little Autonomy

    Thanks Jules A. I'm a pretty intuitive person and I feel that you are probably right. Even though I'm kind of freaking out that I've basically uprooted my life only to realize that this position is not right AT ALL I appreciate the truth. On a only-h...
  14. First NP Job With Little Autonomy

    Thanks all for the suggestions; I appreciate it. Thankfully the other midlevel is largely on the same page as me re: autonomy. I think the biggest thing that needs to be determined between her, me and the MDs (yes, I'm in a transplant setting, and ye...
  15. First NP Job With Little Autonomy

    Re: seeing the MD, just tradition on their part and I think just them not embracing us as actual providers. I'm in a state with independent NP practice so it certainly isn't a legal requirement. Thanks for the encouragement to continue looking at le...