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About wilma30RN

wilma30RN has 3 years experience and specializes in ICU, L&D.

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  1. Augmenting Labor (particularly before 39 weeks)

    Often times, they have effaced more or dilated 0.5-1 cm more: enough to say the cervix has changed but not substantially.
  2. Augmenting Labor (particularly before 39 weeks)

    Yeah, it can definitely be a judgment call and different based on the doctor and busyness of the unit. Our patients are usually admitted as outpatients until it is determined that they are in active labor. It depends on the doc what exactly will get...
  3. We have had a couple of cases lately where there has been conflicting opinions regarding the plan of care for patients between 37+0 and 38+6 weeks who present with regular contractions and/or very slow cervical change. For example, a patient comes in...
  4. Is anything at your work that puzzles you

    I can give a patient drugs that will paralyze and sedate them- no cosigner required. One unit of insulin- cosigned required.
  5. CHS Clinical Ladder Program

    I've worked at a couple. Both had clinical ladders.
  6. The car seat test

    At my urban hospital, which serves primarily the economically disadvantaged, we provide a car seat free of charge to anyone who does not have one.
  7. Maternity Care plan, NEED HELP PLEASE

    All of our epidurals use a fentanyl/bupivacaine mix. Most will use fentanyl for the test dose, but a few will use marcaine.
  8. Nursing Salary Survey 2014

    Geographic location- Indiana Pay rate- $28.50/hr In which area / specialty do you work? Labor and Delivery and ICU What type of license do you have (RN or LPN)? RN What type of degree and/or certification do you have? ASN, BS, ACLS, NIHSS, NRP How ma...
  9. Getting ACLS & BLS for Resume

    I took ACLS and an EKG class prior to graduating. It was a factor in getting a job in the ICU- as a new grad. I'm happy with my decision, even though my employer would have paid for it had I waited.
  10. Studying for finals is anyone else with me?

    I should be... both are in two days. Instead, I'm finding every possible way to procrastinate or waste time.
  11. Nursing Shoes

    I have the Timberland Renovas, MBTs, and some high priced New Balance. It definitely pays to splurge on good shoes.
  12. What's the weirdest baby name?

    I know a Denial...
  13. Excited about school but...22 weeks preggars

    I would wait. You really never know what could happen in pregnancy. After three perfectly uneventful pregnancies, I ended up with serious complications, bedrest, and a pre-term birth. Thankfully, I took that semester off. I think you could focus bett...