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About anonymousandy

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  1. Symptom of hypernatremia/Quick question.

    Thanks! I think I understand the mechanism more now.
  2. Can hypovolemia/hypernatremia cause polyuria? I want to say it can because the kidney would recognize a high level of Na rather than a low level of H20, but I'm not sure... A practice quiz just said that was wrong, but I don't know if it was just n...
  3. Not sure about nursing

    2. The list of topics is really long, but I've got most of it down. The last ones are: Oxygenation, I/O, Incontinence, Delegation, Community Nursing, Postmortem care, HIPAA and other legal stuff, Communication w/ special needs patients, Different n...
  4. Not sure about nursing

    Yes, it's an integrated program. I guess the idea of knowing something superficially and then going to the nursing homes to participate in treatment scares me, and I get overwhelmed. My grades are still adequate [i'll be making Bs this semester ins...
  5. Not sure about nursing

    Hey all, I'm in my first semester of nursing school and I'm starting to feel a bit hesitant about the program. Everything started fine. I got A's on my first couple rounds of tests, but now they're starting to plummet to C's [this is abnormal for m...
  6. So how is everyone doing in A&P 1 this Semester?

    I go to a public research university. There's a lot of material that she covers in class, but the lecture exams are multiple choice, so if you're fuzzy on some of the material you have the comfort of being able to eliminate wrong answers. I'd PM yo...
  7. So how is everyone doing in A&P 1 this Semester?

    We're using Martini & Nath's "Fundamentals of A & P." First test covers: Chapter One- Introduction/Anatomical terms/Most of this material is to be covered in Lab quizzes, but we are responsible for the material for lecture exam as well. Chapt...
  8. Anatomy and Physiology I and II - drop out rate

    I'm in A&P right now. From what my professor's said, the class is going to get more and more difficult, but we've also lucked out with her because she holds study sessions outside of class on her own time (they're SO helpful). During one of the...
  9. Ambien psychosis?

    I took Ambien once, and didn't sleep. It was as if I were dreaming reality, and I remember the events as if it were a dream as well (i.e. clips and phrases). Never took it again, but if you look at it like that I think these aforementioned behavior...
  10. Weird lab vibes

    I don't know about immediately ameliorating the problem, but I suggest studying hard, scoring really well (beat them) on the next exam/practical, and "accidentally" let them know that you did well. They'll probably bring you into the fold because yo...
  11. Black scrubs?

    Black looks professional/serious, and can be off-set with a contrasting undershirt to add a little color. The skeletons would do just the opposite for me. If I were a patient, it would be like having a piece of fabric taunting me, saying, "Hey, dea...