

Emergency Nursing

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About sandyfeet

sandyfeet has 5 years experience and specializes in Emergency Nursing.

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  1. Say that you find posts in an online group that seem to hint that the writer will attempt suicide. My question is, as a nurse are you legally obligated to report it (i.e. have the authorities perform a safety check) as a mandated reporter? Would this...
  2. A Day In The Life Of An OB Charge Nurse

    I am 37 weeks pregnant and on maternity leave, but still wanting to flex my nurse brain by reading AN. Your article made me decide to give the L&D nurses who will take care of me catered SANDWICHES! Great article!
  3. Oncoming nurse refuses report and leaves the room...

    YES. Also say "I guess you will be paying me overtime while you find another nurse to take report, because Nurse A refused to take report". That will get a manager's attention!
  4. I'm in tears--to accept or decline?

    I think this would only help you if you were planning a career in academia. If you are hoping to end up in public health, clinics or long-term care, you should seek out internships in those areas. It also does sound like A LOT of work on top of your ...
  5. Has pain scale contributed to opiate problem?

    My ED is constantly full. I get where OP is coming from. While I am treating your chronic pain that your PCP/pain management doc has not adequately managed, Grandma with a broken hip is waiting in the ambulance bay for an open bed. Baby with a histor...
  6. Can a hospital retract their job offer

    Yes, this happened to me for a nurse aid position. The recruiter said that there were budget cuts. I was bawling over the phone but it's not in my nature to be rude so I just tried my best to keep it together and remain polite. THEN...I got a call ba...
  7. Calling in for no sleep

    This is the real issue here. If OP crashes her car because she fell asleep, miscalculates a pediatric dose, gives a med to the wrong patient, or doesn't catch that her patient is crashing until it's too late, it's all on her. Sleep deprivation makes ...
  8. I failed my school drug test. Am I finished forever?

    I believe some nursing student sins are forgivable. Before I started my pre-reqs I ran a red light with a camera, and got a ticket. Went to traffic school and got it all taken care of. When I applied for NCLEX I had to declare that I'd had a traffic ...
  9. Safe/unsafe ER Transfer times to Inpatient Units

    This is always a hot topic. It would be interesting to include in your research the acuity of patients waiting in the ER lobby for an open room...also at risk of worsening symptoms. When we have over a 2 hour wait in the ER lobby, the entire hospit...
  10. "Two-yearitis"

    I am in your target demographic; I just passed 2 years this summer. I am starting to get more involved by doing clinical ladder. The people I started with (also mostly new grads) are starting to do Triage because of a shortage of triage nurses on n...
  11. My PT called 911

    I had a patient on a 5150 who threatened to call the news because we were holding her against her will. Luckily her husband was able to take her phone away from her. I always wondered what the news would do in a situation like that- would they repo...
  12. Cleanser for catheter placement

    So interesting! After I read your post, I used my school access to look up "iodine allergy" and found an article from the journal Allergy and Asthma Proceedings that talked about iodine allergy and the prevalence of iodine in our diet (salt, eggs, b...
  13. Couple of tips... Does meditech have something like 'acronym expansion'? I use SCM and will use the acronym $discharged that the system writes out as "Patient AOx4, respirations even and unlabored. Patient states pain level tolerable to leave facil...
  14. Do you ever contend with pesty ancillary staff?

    Ancillary is the correct term, because it means someone who provides support. It's not diminutive. I had only one serious problem with an US tech in my two years so far as a nurse. I had a pregnant patient in police custody because she was using dr...
  15. child safety

    The problem with leaving a shoe or a purse in the backseat (or a diaper bag in the front) is that the parent has to have the foresight to arrange it that way. Excluding negligent parents, the problem with forgetting your child in the car seems to be...