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  1. Tubing tips

    Hey all- I'm an SRNA with a little more than a year left in school, and I'm here seeking some advice with intubation technique. I started out, as did the majority of my class, using the Mac blade for intubations. Most preceptors advised me to become ...
  2. What to study before anesthesia school?

    One thing I kind of wish that I had done before hand is paid more attention to the Anesthesia flow sheets on my ICU patients. (If your hospital has flowsheets) It will give you a good idea of the drugs that they are using, and in what dosages. You ca...
  3. What to study before anesthesia school?

    I second the Morgan & Mikhail suggestion. It's a great book to get started with. However, some of it probably won't mean much to you until you start school, and are immersed in the anesthesia world. Good luck!
  4. Worst med error - stories?

    WOW on the IV Nimodipine... That sucks.
  5. Average age of SRNA?

    Haha,- Yes, I was fortunate enough to land a job in a high acuity ICU right after graduation. I basically knew that I wanted to be a CRNA straight out of high school, so that helped me not waste any time, and helped me focus my efforts. Not that any...
  6. Average age of SRNA?

    I am one of the youngest in my class at age 24. I think our range is from 24 to 40.
  7. Anyone gotten accpeted from PACU?

    Propforall- I think you made the right decision. You will be exceptionally well rounded when you begin your program.
  8. Just accepted to CRNA school or applying soon...

    Goody-- I work in a 40 bed ICU. There are probably around 10-15 open heart surgeries per week. So at LEAST once a week I am taking care of a fresh open heart patient who is still sedated and not yet extubated. We recover and extubate the hearts on th...
  9. Just accepted to CRNA school or applying soon...

    I'm leaving for school next month, and currently have 2 years 4 months experience. At the time I interviewed I had almost 1.5 years.I have felt infinitely more comfortable at my job after about month 14, and even more so at the 2 year mark. I feel li...
  10. CRNA School and Financial Aid

    Did you get GradPLUS loans on top of your Federal Subsidized/Unsubsidized loans? I took out the max on both GradPLUS and the Sub/Unsub loans, and that leaves me an excess of $5000 per quarter to live on, which translates to about $1660/month. Its not...
  11. University of Pittsburgh CRNA Program

    I'm still waiting here.. I guess that means maybe I'm still in the running? Kind of expecting to see a rejection email every time my phone tells me I have a new message in my inbox. So I guess phone call is good, email is bad?
  12. University of Pittsburgh CRNA Program

    Any updates for anyone? I interviewed in December, and I'm pretty sure the March interviews are done with... I'm expecting notification one way or the other soon. Anyone else heard anything?
  13. Continuous arterial ABG monitoring

    That sounds ludicrously unnecessary. Has the surgeon ever provided a rationale for this? A gas on a sedated and ventilated patient isn't going to change that dramatically very quickly. You can look at a newly extubated patient's condition and guess w...
  14. Kaiser CRNA

    Likewise-- Bummer. But I guess I'm Cincy or Pitt bound now. Not bad schools either.
  15. Kaiser CRNA

    Amiro-- No I have not received an email from them yet. I am hopeful though after reading that they won't be done emailing until the end of January. I put in my application on the last day, so perhaps they are working their way towards me.. ? Good luc...