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  1. Loma Linda Interview - Starting Fall 2012

    I don't believe they favor local applicants more so. HSRT test was like any other IQ test, I think that most any applicant to Loma Linda regardless of the program has to take it. There is no way to study for it, so don't worry. The HSRT is pretty mu...
  2. OG tubes......

    Okay okay, OG Tubes are a "best practice" type of thing is what I was trying to imply.
  3. OG tubes......

    Only when they are intubated? Or is just everyone just getting tubes dropped into them? I would assume its protocol to have an OG thrown in with an ET tube to prevent aspiration of gastric contents.
  4. Need Some CRNA Future Insight

    Sure I suppose you could say that, and in reality you could probably find some truth in that. However, you could probably say that about any profession. The bigger issue though is probably the changing face of healthcare and the shape of the economy ...
  5. Psych NP to CRNA

    If its any consolation im sure that you would easily get right into school after a year. Your biggest issue is going to be to convince your ICU unit to let you work there knowing that you will be leaving soon.
  6. Cant stop thinking about it

    You can do it man! I was 21 when i started nursing school and decided that CRNA was what i was going to work toward. Heck, i figured even if i didn't make it i would still have a great career as a nurse. 5 years later now and I'll be starting anesthe...
  7. Loma Linda Interview - Starting Fall 2012

    Super excited to have an interview scheduled in February, gotta admit im terribly worried about what types of questions they will ask. Been studying and reviewing everything I possibly can to prepare for it. So it seems like anything you put on your ...
  8. Organic Chem...Intro?

    I know it seems to vary from program to program but would anyone recommend taking an intro/survey of organic/bio chem class? Does anyone have any knowledge of whether this would satisfy CRNA school requirements. My BSN degree did not include any che...
  9. How do schools view/accept classes which are retaken?

    I do agree that retaking them would be to my advantage, yet i cant help but try and evaluate the whole picture, will these classes be the deciding factor in acceptance or not? Is it worth it to concentrate on these or try to pick up some organic chem...
  10. How do schools view/accept classes which are retaken?

    They are undergrad glasses, im taking at kellogg community college here in MI. However they are online, so it seems that retaking them is actually possible while working full time, however, it they may require quite a large time commitment.
  11. I'm currently pursuing the CRNA route. I've just completed my BSN and my overall GPA around 3.5 or so. My question pertains to retaking of sciences classes, specifically Anatomy and Physiology. I'm enrolled to retake them both starting the September ...
  12. Retaking Anatomy Course from 6 years ago at a Community College

    I personally don't believe so, however, i'm not certain. Either way im signed up to retake A+P 1 and 2 here in September at a community college. Crossing my fingers...
  13. Lying about wanting to become a CRNA to Managers?

    Thanks for the reply and the advice, i appreciate it. I like your take on it, right now i have no guarantee what will happen two years down the road, however, i can guarantee hard work and dedication to my unit day in and day out to the best of my ab...
  14. Lying about wanting to become a CRNA to Managers?

    Well, i hope that my managers are as understanding as yours.
  15. Well here is my question, i have a few ICU positions that have opened and have scheduled interviews with me. I am between a rock and a hard place, if i tell them the truth that i will begin applying for CRNA schools in 2 years, they may not hire me. ...