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  1. California Test Takers.....

    Oh Boy have i been checking daily. Im not sure what the hold up could be, unless i failed, but i got the good pop up......i dunno
  2. California Test Takers.....

    why am I still waiting for my name on the BRN when I took the test July 2nd?
  3. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    I took my test July 2nd, still waiting results in Cali. Two peers took it the same day and have their results. i got the good pop up, what can I do? what do you guys think?
  4. California Test Takers.....

    how are we notified if we fail then? I think we do get something in the mail.
  5. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    Thank you so very much. i was getting sick to my stomach.
  6. So many people passing...post your best advice here!

    oh. okay. i think it is different for every state. Im just stressin out so much!
  7. So many people passing...post your best advice here!

    are you online now?
  8. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    Im not sure whats going on. I got the good pop up, but two others that took the test the same time and day are on the BRn and I am not. wats goingon, can anyone help me?
  9. Pearson Vue Trick - Poll once you receive your results

    I got the good pop up but do not see my name on the BRN. Two others that took the test the same day are on the BRN. what is goingon, does anyone know?