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About windjmmr

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  1. Caring for the Chart or the Patient?

    it ridiculous somedays...we have MDS weekly psych notes and a monthly notefor the same ...daily abt incident cahrting readmission charting and then you have the incidental charting also have to chart all interventions before you giv...
  2. Caring for the Chart or the Patient?

    do nt forget the weekly psych notes either or the Abt notes.. but you know then they want to know why it isn t getting done either...we have to be out on time and they won t authorize OT..unless it s bad situation but it s okay for them to tell you y...
  3. Verbal, Written Warnings and Termination

    Sunrock...sooo sorry you had that bad experiance.... i know what that feels like,,, having 33 years in this and lord knows how many I ve orientated... I used to work with someone who absolutely refused to orientate anyone new to the floor and i ll ne...
  4. Verbal, Written Warnings and Termination

    something that i ve often thought about i wonder how many of our "bosses" including all ancillary personel check the board sites on the internet to see what they re employees are saying about them...we all konw it s our first right admendment but i o...
  5. scared i'm going to lose my license..

    get the heck out of dodge!!!!!! always go with your gut instinct...because no one is going to help you in court... most administrative positions will bury their heads in the sand and not aknowledge the job is worth it!!!!!