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About squatmunkie_RN

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  1. Supplies

    No Doz. And that started my caffeine addiction...3 Years later
  2. No more phlebotomist in the hospital?!

    I think you're one of the few to get what I'm saying. Taking in the fact that we have 6 tele pt's and no aid often times. So, it's 0400, I must get the vitals due at that time, draw my labs, and get all the meds passed that I need to in the AM. What ...
  3. Hurst vs nclex scores

    You're welcome! Relax and you'll be fine!!
  4. No more phlebotomist in the hospital?!

    Yeah, so let's not hold everyone else accountable for doing their job, because a RN can do it quicker? If you allow the hospital to have this mentality they never have to hire anyone but a nurse because we are the only ones professional enough to pro...
  5. ER nurses bringing pts to the floor soiled

    "not to confine the smell" LOL. I never thought of that as a possibility.
  6. ER nurses bringing pts to the floor soiled

    Happens ALL the time. We expect it as floor nurses now. I've also had transport drop the pt off in the room (while I'm with another pt) and not hook up the O2 to the wall. They literally just leave the pt... and I get tp the room and the o2 is in the...
  7. No more phlebotomist in the hospital?!

    Working on Ortho is different than Telly. When an orthodox pt starts having chest pains, super high blood pressures EKG changes they are sent to a Telly floor. Nurses now deal with taking care of not only calling the doc, giving meds, labs. It's ridi...
  8. No more phlebotomist in the hospital?!

    Exactly. The hospital doesn't care one bit about the nursing staff. It's all about saving them costs. I don't understand this "keeping my skills up, and knowing what type of veins my pt has" Don't you know that every time you have to start an IV? Pus...
  9. Need advice about where to turn.

    Stay a paramedic. You're 47. You'll retire in a few years. Being a new RN you're going to make $hit money $22/hr average. The stress is high. The reward is hardly there. Don't redo it. If I was in your position I wouldn't. Take a vacation, and enjoy ...
  10. Hurst vs nclex scores

    I took HURST and passed NCLEX with 75 questions. I only studied the HURST book. Mind you I read and studied cover to cover. Be sure you know ALL normal labs (K+, Mg+, etc...) and what the signs/symptoms are of the lows/highs. Definately know which pt...
  11. No more phlebotomist in the hospital?!

    The place I work for wants to get rid of all phlebotomist and make nurses do lab draws. I work on a telly floor. This means many lab draws that get ordered all ..day.. long.... K+, Mg+, Troponin, PT. Not to mention nearly everyone on the floor has da...
  12. I'm relatively new to this career. I've been a RN 3 years, and worked at the same hospital up until a few weeks ago I changed hospitals. My old hospital job all we had was Lure locks...it seems so much safer and easier to use. The new place has blun...

    Oh, and it's not that hard to set your phone to only ring for certain contacts!

    Any advice for someone working nights for the 1st time?
  15. Pregnant new grad with upcoming interview..

    FMLA! Family medical leave act. They have to hold your job because of that. Not sure, how much maternity leave a partime employee gets but take it all, especially if you're going to work up to delivery time. DO NOT tell them you're pregnant. They a...