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  1. Could any former or current US Marines help me out?

    If you are applying to a school that takes all qualified candidates and uses a waiting list, your service isn't going to help or hurt you- it's somewhat irrelevant at that point. However, many schools are going to point based admissions, and many sc...
  2. Wounded warrior transitional nursing

    The VA would be the largest organization for what you're looking for. MTFs obviously deal with this as well, but if you are not near a base, especially one with a large hospital, that probably isn't an option. PP mentioned warrior transition units,...
  3. Relocating? Any advice welcome!!

    Around here, if you're an ADN with experience, you'll be fine. If you're pursuing your BSN, that will look good, but from what I've seen, it's not a requirement (many job ads will put BSN/ MSN preferred, but really, experience is more of what they'r...
  4. Things pts say that make you scratch your head.

    "I know you guys keep saying that you have to bring the medicine 20 minutes apart, but I keep telling the nurses that I'm really ok with you just bringing my dilaudid, phenergan, benadryl and ativan (all IV, of course) at the same time. I'm just tr...
  5. Tough decision and rough transition into healthcare industry

    I would also encourage you to talk to the VA about the GI Bill. The post-9/11 GI Bill made more people eligible than the previous one. Even people who did ROTC or came in through the academies are now eligible, and there's no money to pay in to it,...
  6. Giving meds together

    We have a hospital policy that sedating IV meds (e.g. ativan, dilaudid, morphine, benadryl, phenergan) must be given at least 20 minutes apart. However, you can give IV of one and PO of another together, so IV dilaudid and an Ambien or IV Ativan wit...
  7. I'm not in the Army, so I can't tell you about changes, but regarding O vs E, do you have a BSN? If you do, I cannot think of a logical reason to enlist. With other, non-specialized degrees, there can be benefits to doing enlisted time and then bec...
  8. We got brand new white, dry erase boards in the pt rooms with all sorts of fancy new stuff added to them a few months ago (used to be the regular boards that just had our name, the tech's name, their Dr, etc, but these were oh, so much better). I wa...
  9. The math doesn't add up

    Just last night, a pt asked one of the nurses for one of our "star" cards so that she could write one for the nurse "with the dark hair that's in a bob," which is me. I had had the pt the previous 2 nights, and the pt mentioned my name when the char...
  10. The most "commutable"- if you were living on base- would be Stafford Hospital (the closest but not very big, from my understanding), Mary Washington (Level II trauma center; south of base) and Potomac Hospital (in Woodbridge; north of the hospital). ...
  11. Unionized? Night Shift? I need your input!

    One big difference, to me, between my last job (union) and my current job (non-union) is the differentials. At my last job, if you worked night shift, you made night shift diff for all 12 hours (we had a few 8 hrs people left, and they made evening ...
  12. P before A

    My school did them separately, with neither being a prereq for the other. Based on when I could actually get into the class (I was waitlisted for all of my sciences), I took physiology before anatomy, without any issues.
  13. masters degrees without ever working at the bedside?!

    Experience in no way proves that you are competent- it merely proves that you have experience (in this case, in another role). It's like saying that education makes you smarter- it, alone, only makes you more educated. I guess I could go to work to...
  14. masters degrees without ever working at the bedside?!

    I have an MSN and did a MEPN program. I am not an APRN; my MSN program was a CNL program. As a new grad, I did a new grad residency, just like any other new grad. For me, part of the decision was not earning another bachelor's degree, the fact tha...
  15. I would probably just write an event note (in our charting system, it's an open narrative to chart things that don't really have somewhere else to be charted) to describe what happened and what I did about it, but I wouldn't do a formal incident repo...