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About myflow01

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  1. Need a PART-TIME Job?

    Thanks for posting it.
  2. How many NCLEX questions did you do?!

    I practiced about 400-500 questions total. I focused more on my weak areas.
  3. I Passed!! It's offical!

  4. There are jobs for new grads

    Are you applying for a GN program or just regular job you see posted?
  5. Tomorrow is the big day... Retake NCLEX

    Don't freak out if you go over 75 questions because you should expect 265. Like the pp stated, have a good breakfast, say a prayer, and dont forget to breathe before the questions. I did it, so can you.
  6. I passed my exam with a 7 months old at home. We all can do it, good luck with your test ladies.
  7. Pearson Vue Trick - Poll once you receive your results

    it worked for me. I'm in RN
  8. NCLEX-RN this morning, got the good pop-up...

    congrats!!!! the trick works, so relax and plan your celebration's party
  9. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    I also took my test on 7/12/10 at 8:00 AM. I did not have to pay for quick result because my name is on my BON this morning :clpty:. The trick really really works. I didnt doubt it because i know alot of people it worked for. P.S. Gary, congrats, ...
  10. Had all 265 on the 1st and 2nd attempt

    :clpty:congrats for your hard work. Hopefully, i get my good news on wednesday too. Good luck with your career
  11. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    I took mine today and I got around 110 questions. I tried 5 times and got the good pop up. I'm praying the trick works
  12. July 2010 NCLEX Takers

    I just took my test this morning and the computer shut off at around 110 questions (I wasnt counting anymore because i was going for the 265 after I pass 75 questiohs). I tried the trick about 5 times, it says i have to contact my board of nursing. I...
  13. 8 days until I test and I'm just ready to get it over with..

    I'm scheduled on July 12th but i am thinking of changing the date. Good luck to you.
  14. Took the nclex rn today

    Good luck, i know the trick will work for you too.
  15. Hello mommas, im also a mother of a 7 month old. i home home with her all day and i try to study during the day but i get most of my studying done at night time. I am also taking my test this month. Good luck to all of us:)