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About elizanne

former counselor turned nurse (soon)

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  1. Positioning question

    I work in the NICU at a children's hospital. Same as wooh, we don't use egg crates anymore due to pressure points; we stopped about a month ago. Not sure what the policy is for our OR.
  2. Got a job, but need clarification/input. Help please.

    Policy at my hospital is that new grads must have a license in hand before they can even start orientation. For this reason, our new grads wait several months after graduating to even get started, depending on how long the licensure process takes. ...
  3. school nursing to pediatric psych nursing.

    Before I became a nurse, I worked as a counselor, and my internship before graduating was in a residential treatment facility for children and adolescents with a history of abuse. Not strictly psychiatric, as we didn't heavily utilize nursing staff,...
  4. Is this common now?

    I haven't gone on enough interviews to know if this is common, but I do know at least two people I graduated from nursing school with (and another who is not a nurse but also looking for a job) who have been on interviews, sent thank-you notes, had p...
  5. We practice primary nursing on our unit (surgical NICU in a children's hospital). The primary nurse is in charge of discharge planning, such as making sure the chart is updated as to what types of teaching parents need to take the baby home, etc., an...
  6. Should I be worried?

    It's a big red flag that your preceptor was unavailable and didn't let you know where to find her for 2 hours. I'm about to finish orientation, and even though my preceptor isn't always necessarily checking over me, she always makes sure I know wher...
  7. Average night shift differential??

    Hey pjp2u2, how are you liking the PICU? I'm doing my practicum in one of the CHOA PICUs now, and I'm interviewing for both the NICU and the PICU. I'm not sure which one I want the most, but I really like the PICU a lot. I'm really excited to have...
  8. are these feelings normal?

    I'm also new to the PICU, and I've had people make similar comments to me. I see it more as a "different strokes for different folks" type thing (I, for instance, would be really depressed if I had to work some other types of jobs instead of this on...
  9. Lactated Ringers vs .9NS

    The components of each are different. 0.9%NS is NaCl, while lactated ringers has sodium ions, chloride ions, potassium ions, calcium ions, and lactate (generally as NaCl, KCl, and sodium lactate). Anyone feel free to correct me or expand on the ma...
  10. Pediatric New Graduate Internship Programs?

    CHOA's big hiring times for new grads (per the nursing recruiter) are around October and March each year, a few months before most students graduate. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship that comes with a new grad residency, so I'll be starting a...
  11. Peds/PICU/NICU advice?

    I hadn't thought about shadowing--that's a great idea. Also, you're completely right. I know I'll be fulfilled and happy no matter which area or floor I end up on. I feel very blessed. Thanks!
  12. MCG Clinical Nurse Leader - Fall 2010

    Okay, so I know this thread is pretty old at this point (I'm not even sure if I've commented on it before), but we're so close to finished now, guys! There's no point to this post except my excitement! to sharzaejones: We are now in our second to la...
  13. Peds/PICU/NICU advice?

    I just got a scholarship a large pediatric hospital that pays for the rest of nursing school in exchange for a year of work after I graduate (I intend to stay MUCH longer than a year!). I'm graduating soon, so I'm in the process of deciding which ar...
  14. Finishing Nursing School Quickly vs Summer Externship

    I was speaking with one of the nursing recruiters from Shepherd at a career fair a couple of weeks ago, and I asked him a similar question about the benefit of an externship. I'm in an accelerated program already, and I was worried that not having a...
  15. Anyone done the VALOR program at the VA hospital

    I know this is an old thread, but does anyone have any more current information about the Altlanta VA? The VALOR program sounds great, but I don't think I'd qualify for it (I'm in an accelerated program, so working during the summer isn't an option ...