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About meltnpointofwax

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  1. I PASSED!!

    yeah, i don't mean to put down saunders! i used it for every exam in nursing school and i loved it! i just don't think i would have passed the nclex if i only relied on that, but everyone is different :) congrats to you too!
  2. PVT= Unreliable!!! NOT TRUE....

  3. I PASSED!!

    I am officially a RN!!! I graduated nursing school in december, I took it on tuesday, had 75 questions. I was a nervous wreck through the whole test, I thought I was getting everything wrong. I went home and did the pearson trick and got the good p...
  4. taking nclex-RN on tuesday

    well, I took it this morning. I had 75 questions and took me 2 hours. I am getting the pop up that says i already scheduled this exam, please contact my board, another appointment can not be scheduled. ... i hope this is real.
  5. nclex 2 days away....

    i am taking mine on tuesday! i am in the mid 60's for most of my kaplan stuff too. i'm finishing up trainer 6 today and then doing trainer 7 tomorrow. my plan is to go over meds i'm bad at (psych meds, my worst subject), review lab values, review con...
  6. taking nclex-RN on tuesday

    what are your grades on the kaplan tests? good luck to you too!
  7. taking nclex-RN on tuesday

    and i'm freaking out. i don't know if i have done enough to prepare. i did the whole kaplan Qbank and i've got trainer 6 & 7 left. i also read that kaplan book they gave us at the class. my grades on the kaplan tests haven't been the greatest, mo...
  8. do NOT mix! i did this for a month as a tech and i was a complete wreck. now that i'm done nursing school i'm applying for all night positions because 1. more $, 2. manager not lurking over your shoulder, 3. generally slower so more time to learn. ye...
  9. question for people who took kaplan and nclex-rn

    my scholarship paid for me to go to the kaplan review. i would never pay 500 bucks to sit in a room for 8 days and do questions with a group of people.
  10. question for people who took kaplan and nclex-rn

    hey guys. i am taking the NCLEX-RN in feb. i went to the kaplan review. i did some of the trainers and now i'm working on the Qbank. my question for you is: is the nclex more like the trainer questions or the Qbank questions. i feel like the Qbank is...
  11. Mayo Jacksonville nursing graduate orientation program

    Mayo is a huge hospital and there are several around the country. I don't know if they hire lpns
  12. When to apply for jobs?

    Thanks! I found it and called the lady! Do you live in Florida? Mayo clinic up here in jax supposedly has a program too.
  13. Mayo Jacksonville nursing graduate orientation program

    How did you guys apply for that program? I am graduating in December and I checked the job listings because I heard they offer gn positions. But nothing was up
  14. When to apply for jobs?

    i live in north florida and would consider moving to orlando. i looked on the website but didn't see anything. is there a separate site for the nurse residency stuff?
  15. When to apply for jobs?

    I'm graduating in December and i started applying yesterday lol