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About Fabricia

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  1. Sorry Iliana, but no, I'm barely there. I just go to class on thursdays and leave asap since that place has been making me sick lately ;-) If I hear anything I'll let you know, but yeah, I try to be there the least amount of time possible, can't stan...
  2. Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about our school
  3. You will be fine, just play the game. I guess that's how it is in the real world any way, so we might as well learn how to handle that kind of stuff while we're in school, or else we will never be able to get along in the Medical Field ;-)
  4. Basically, when I started there I was so excited, I felt proud and sure I was going to get the best education out there since it has been the case for many years and the school's reputation is great. Well things have changed I guess...as a current st...
  5. Get used to their politics and their "rules"...it gets worse once you become a student. Just a warning