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About manyapples

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  1. UVM MEPN 2011

    Sure, the degrees ranged from science to business, with a more than half being science. More than half the class has prior medical experience. But there's a healthy variety of non-science degrees, and non-medical careers. The age range is mid-twentie...
  2. UVM MEPN 2011

    Hey all, I'm from the 2010 class, just checking in. I thought I'd offer the advice that best helped me when I was applying. 1. No, don't sweat the waitlist. In our class ~2/3rds of the original offers were declined somewhere along from spring to summ...
  3. UVM MEPN 2010 acceptance?

    I spoke to someone on Tuesday who said that there was one spot left to take someone in off the waitlist. *Gasp!*
  4. UVM MEPN 2010 acceptance?

    Thanks for the info, VTGirl82, solid numbers are nice to see :) Did you happen to get a sense as to when they would notify people from the waitlist? Thanks for posting :)