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  1. I would consider retaking your A&P classes for a few reasons: better understanding of the material and most nursing schools will NOT accept students with lower than a (B) in those classes. Also I dont believe that recieving a C in those courses m...
  2. any university of portland students out there???

    hi everyone Im also starting in the fall :)!
  3. Providence Scholars Program

    I just got my letter today and I didn't get it but best of luck to those still waiting! And congrats to those who recieved it :)!!
  4. Providence Scholars Program

    Nope nothing here ): I wonder if they are going to send an email first , like they did with the interview??? I cant wait to find out either way, my nerves are going crazy.... I no longer have finger nails lol
  5. Providence Scholars Program

    Thanks for the update ashni :) did she happen to say if they have made the final picks yet?
  6. Providence Scholars Program

    also, is anyone starting in fall??
  7. Providence Scholars Program

    Well it def. makes me feel a little better to know there is others in the same boat, i just wish i knew how many so i could have a more rounded feel of the odds lol
  8. Providence Scholars Program

    Im glad someone started this post... The wait is killing me as well I havent heard anything and Im REALLY hoping we find out sooner than later!!! Also, has anyone (who is a transfer) done any volunteer/paid work for providence? And or has a family ...
  9. Acceptance letters????

    how did it go for everyone who interviewed today????? I hope all goes well!!!!
  10. Acceptance letters????

    Anyone else starting in Fall 2010 for University of Portland???
  11. Acceptance letters????

    Sakara- I dont think thats how they are dividing the students i say that only because I am a transfer, and still have a couple of classes im finishing in the spring, so im in the same boat as you as far as that goes. To be honest i think its random. ...
  12. Acceptance letters????

    Sakara- yes i am a transfer and congrats on your acceptance! are you a transfer as well??
  13. Acceptance letters????

    Got my letter i start in Fall 2010 (: !!!!! And congrats to everyone else who i will be seeing this fall!!!!
  14. Acceptance letters????

    Jinnerz- did you also recieve an invite to the providence interview? And sorry about UP
  15. Acceptance letters????

    As far as the taxes go its only around 7500 you end up paying in total over three years, (from what ive heard), when your co-worker mentioned she was paying 700ish in taxes bi weekly did she say that was the total or what was just towards the scholar...