screamin mimi

screamin mimi

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  1. Drug-Seekers

    Yes, treat all patients with respect but I don't have the luxury of treating all people the same. When I have a waiting room full of patients and two patients walk in with the same complaint, I have to make a decision who gets seen first and who gets...
  2. Drug-Seekers

    We obviously need to change our policy. This was the 2nd time this patient did this. I knew of the first time(well documented) and informed the doc who required the patient call a cab. the patient called the cab and then walked right past it,got int...
  3. Drug-Seekers

    Haven't noticed anyone calling you names or suggesting anything about you as a professional so I'm not sure why you think you are being flamed. And I really didn't think you were referring to me, in particular, with your previous post. I do think y...
  4. Drug-Seekers

  5. Drug-Seekers

    animal1993- It really sucks that the nurse who was supposed to care for you assumed you were a seeker for no reason except that you had a headache (?) HOWEVER No one has advocated treating anyone "like trash" and if you read the previous posts you w...
  6. Drug-Seekers

    Oh, I bet ya Florence Nightingale would've practiced some "tough love." The most consistent thing written has been that those abusing the system are taking our energies away from those who really need it. I'm not sure how anyone can take exception t...
  7. Help for this new grad in the ED??

    Congratulations! I think you're getting lots of great advice already. I'll add a few and I'm sure reiterate some. It might sound silly but get some good shoes! You'll be on your feet a lot. If you don't already, start exercising, it isn't mandatory b...
  8. Drug-Seekers

    I don't know if I'm willing to totally give up! I mean, realistically, I think you're probably right that this is a problem that won't be resolved . Increasing access to PCPs could help, maybe education could help, though I'm less hopeful there. I th...
  9. Drug-Seekers

    is it that you just do not accept that there are any people who misuse the er for narcotics? also, i thought you were funny scooty puff jr. as a general rule, to the original poster, treat all your patients with respect but feel free to laugh, joke ...
  10. Drug-Seekers

    Name calling is really not helpful or appropriate. No one has argued that peoples' pain should not be treated only that we shouldn't feed addictions where they exist. Absolutely, there are people who are labelled drug seekers unfairly. It's unfortuna...
  11. Drug-Seekers

    Yes, actually they do teach the definitions of tolerance and addiction in nursing school. They also teach (for those who haven't picked it up from mere observation) that "if it looks/walks/quacks like a duck" it might be a zebra but it's probably a d...
  12. Drug-Seekers

    Please. Just because someone is frustrated with the VERY real problem of drug seekers in the ER does not mean they shouldn't be working in the ED.In fact, I'd argue that it's irresponsible to council our new nurses to ignore the issue and their own i...