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About Linds91

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  1. Thanks for the post!
  2. How do I make the switch from dayshift to nights?!

    I used to work rotating schedule but now straight nights. I absolutely love this shift. I clump my shifts together, then stay on a modified night schedule on my days off. To help sleep during the day i dont watch tv or workout after my shift. I drink...
  3. How do I switch from my postpartum (mother-baby) unit to L&D?

    I work in a hospital that combined the two different units into one large birthcare center with one manager. I was hired to postpartum as a new grad then 1 year later they trained me to L&D. I now am considered to be a cross trained RN who could ...
  4. Searching for OB unit

    Haha I'm sorry, I typed too many 0's and didn't proofread. Our unit does do 1:1 in labor, we are very lucky to have the staff we do. I have heard it is uncommon and that is why I love my unit
  5. Searching for OB unit

    Hey everyone! I am currently a postpartum and L&D nurse in Iowa but looking to move in 1.5 years once i have 3 years experience. I just want to broaden my horizons a bit. I love the unit I work for many reasons; great teamwork, birthing suites pt...
  6. Hey everyone! I am currently a postpartum and L&D nurse in Iowa but looking to move in 1.5 years once i have 3 years experience. I am mostly considering anywhere in southeast U.S. but am open to other suggestions. I just want to broaden my horizo...
  7. Teamwork project

    I am working on in a Birthcare Center this summer to help improve the teamwork/communication between the nurses and the unlicensed assistive personnel (techs). Everyone on the unit, knows this is a huge problem and it affects the efficiency of care ...
  8. Please help!!!

    Thanks for asking those questions because I am currently working on a project related to healthcare policies in another country. By any change, are you in a Masters program at the University of Iowa?
  9. New Grad Programs in Australia?

    Thank you all for your input. I am looking to work in either Queensland or Western Australia but I would be open to just about anything. From the research I have done so far and what your posts say, I may work in the states for a year or two to gai...
  10. Hello all! I have always wanted to live in Australia and I have heard they are in need of nurses right now. I will graduate in July from a program in the United States and hope to move down there but I am in search of New Grad programs. If anyone c...