

mental health. detox

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About deToxTech

deToxTech specializes in mental health. detox.

Gotta laugh to keep from crying

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  1. Funniest real orders you have seen in a chart?

    I cant recall precisely what it was, but the order came out to say "q now and then later" yeah, the doc was rushed... and then we had a FS scheduled with MOM. the nurse couldn't understand why we'd schedule a family session with milk of magnesia.
  2. You know your shift is going to be INSANELY busy when...

    First call you get is from your supervisor telling you "Assessments just called. Make sure you guys get your timeclock adjustment forms."
  3. so how do you handle losing your job for being on the periphery of a hospital *****?
  4. stress of losing a job

    How do you handle losing a job? I'm fortunate that I was able to pick something up shortly thereafter (doesn't pay nearly enough but I have a very supportive family) so I have something to cover the "gap" in employment. But I've just been so down on ...
  5. place i used to work was real good about slash and burn policies whenever managerial incompetence was the cause of a possible legality. Didn't matter how good an employee you might have been to the company or how long you'd been there-if they wanted ...
  6. Time for a Title Change

    Then what happens to nurse hammer?
  7. Funny things we do/say and dont realize it...

    I got really confused once when i had to do an ekg on a guy missing a leg. I'm standing there with the leads going "where do i put the LF lead (left foot) when he doesn't have a left foot?" I also remember doing his belongings search asking "why on g...
  8. Conditions in hospitals getting worse

    i think alot of it has to do with the philosophy of medicine being a path of healing. that's what we've all grown up knowing-drs and nurses make people get better. They don't just "let" ppl die. as such, there's also a legal fear-a doc who lets their...
  9. I love the night life

    YES! God I loved not having to even acknowledge the management as I oozed into my car and muttered "i guess i'm gonna miss that meeting on the new cafeteria scheduling... :D"
  10. Why do you put up with the abuse?

    I got smacked around aaaaall the time when i started working with one particular charge nurse. She already had a tech she'd been working with since time in-memorium and I was the new fish. I got blistered so many times it wasn't even funny. Charts no...
  11. I love the night life

    Ok. Here's something I'd like to know just as a general "get to know you" sort of thread. When I first started working as a tech after i graduated I enjoyed being able to work the 3-11 shift. It was a nice change from the random hours i'd worked as a...
  12. to the lady with the potato. i... honestly was at a loss for words. I mean. I just spent three minutes cringing at my computer screen. Oh god. Just .... oh god :chair: hm. most digusting thing i ever saw, besides the time I accidentally gave a guy a ...
  13. Conditions in hospitals getting worse

    it's a shame that the bottom line is such a factor-but what do you think is the main cause of making healthcare so expensive? I don't think there are alot of people out there who would be willing to do such grueling work if it didn't pay some small d...
  14. Floor Tech position in Ga

    yeah, there are alot of places that'll take you once you've started your first year of nursing school. but i still have AP2 and Micro (at least ) to take before i qualify to even apply for nursing school. I think i'm going to try and apply with chil...
  15. Share your "problem patient" stories!

    ok, we had a 65 year old alcoholic come in. first night, he was as lucid as could be. knew where he was, why he was there, his history as an airline pilot. etc. This would be the last night for the next 2 weeks. Every night he would get up about the ...