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About abbeyj0210

So excited to finally start school! Looking forward to meeting my new classmates at UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing. Yahoo for the class of Dec. 2011!

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  1. UPMC Shadyside 2010 hopefuls

    Yes, please let us all know if anyone finds anything out about the book list. . .and when are we getting our class schedules? Didn't they say mid-January? Hmmmm soon hopefully! Also, does anyone know if there is an official date that our FAFSA's n...
  2. UPMC Shadyside 2010 hopefuls

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to repost this to the more recent thread. . .I had originally been on the 2009 one. Many thanks to the girl that told me to check out this site at the orientation on Wed. Dec. 16th. (Sorry I don't remember your name!?) Th...
  3. UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing '09'

    Yes! Thanks so much Kayla!
  4. UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing '09'

    Hello everyone! Many thanks to the girl that told me to check out this site at the orientation on Wed. Dec. 16th. (Sorry I don't remember your name!?) This is awesome!! I am so thrilled to be starting this program and am just as excited to get to ...