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About olpoohky

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  1. sub-standard nursing opportunities

    To LinfieldNursingGuy Not meant as sarcasm. It is all based on fact. How do Know intimidation occurs? The facility is so small, any question, remark reflecting on what is being taught, how, and what that is questionable in any manner, the author of a...
  2. sub-standard nursing opportunities

    Thank you for responding. I do understand the real world as I took; nursing in 74.drafting in 84, science in 86, Engineering in 91 and Business Management in 02. However, the answers given should correspond to those in the NCLEX as this is the basi...
  3. sub-standard nursing opportunities

    From the Husband of a student nurse:redbeathe: I will not apologize for what must be said with some detail. My wife enrolled in a nursing program in what I call a satellite of larger 2 year school. When she did this, I asked the college if the traini...
  4. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

    1st, is it you or is it her giving you stress? I used to quit 3-4 times a week only to pick up the books after a break and go back to it. Reduce your own stress first. Do you study study with classmates or are you trying to do it alone-don't do it a...
  5. Taking NCLEX- RN in 10days what to study in last days?

    Talk to your husband about the stress you are going through. Eat well, sleep enough, use the tools available: a baby sitter, rent a hotel room. Study in short bursts, do not repeat what u read out loud, bring earplugs to the test and use them when yo...