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  1. 5th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    I heard that Psych Nurses were a different breed......... but this is crazy!
  2. Chamberlain college---BSN???

    Does anyone else have any better info than Chamberlain??? HELP!!! Rhonda
  3. Strange interview question

    Well that question definitely came out of the blue.......Who knows what his ultimate plan was??????? :lol_hitti Hope you get the position and stay away from the HR Guy! Rhonda
  4. What the word N.U.R.S.E. stands for

    That was just PERFECT!!!
  5. Chamberlain college---BSN???

    Are you taking these online? Thank you, Rhonda
  6. Chamberlain college---BSN???

    When did you start the BSN at Chamberlain? Are you doing it on-line? Thank you for any info you can give me! Rhonda
  7. Chamberlain college---BSN???

    Hi I just read your reply, do you have any other info pertaining to online BSN classes? Like cost? What the course all requires? Clinicals? etc... Thank you for any info you can supply Rhonda
  8. Chamberlain college---BSN???

    hi all, anyone who can help with this i would greatly appreciate. has anyone attended chamberlain college online program for rn to bsn? here are some soecs they e-mailed me... in this email i have given info and attachments of curriculum. there are r...
  9. To all the new BSN GRADS

    Thank you so much for the reply, I greatly appreciate it! Rhonda
  10. To all the new BSN GRADS

    Hello to all the new BSN grads, I recently had a post on here about the RN to BSN program and now I need to re-write my questions... I went to the old thread on this subject and read like 16 pages. Now my question for the new ONLINE BSN grads is........
  11. RN to BSN online???

    I went to the old thread on this subject and read like 16 pages. Now my question for the new ONLINE BSN grads is....... 1. what college did you end up going to? 2. what colleges do not require CHEMISTRY or STATISTICS? 3. how was the online classes 4....
  12. RN to BSN online???

    Can anyone help me with the process of RN to BSN on-line, Has anyone done it? Any problems? Recommeded on-line colleges? Also what is all involved in this program? THANK you all so much! Rhonda
  13. case study on graves disease

    Hello, I just went to google search and typed in "CASE STUDY GRAVES DISEASE" and a whole bunch of info came up, I am not sure if that helps or not. Good Luck! Rhonda
  14. Textbooks for Nursing School

    I have bought a few through EBAY and you can also check with your College Bookstore they sometimes sell used editions. I know when I was in school some of the girls would switch off depnding on which semester they were in. I hope that helps. Good luc...
  15. LTC Nursing...Who likes it, who doesn't?

    I have worked in LTC for total of 22 years, the first 19 1/2 as a CNA and then I became a RN. I love working with geriatric population. My heart just melts at times for a resident laying there who cannot take care of themselves any longer, sometimes ...