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About escapebigd

escapebigd has 5 years experience.

Latest Activity

  1. Leaving new position

    I just started a new position one month ago as a new grad, it went great for the first few weeks despite my schedule being changed, but in the last week the attitude from the other NP's I work with has changed drastically. It is making my training ve...
  2. NP Programs, Preceptors and You - Get Your Voice Heard!

    I just finished the survey as well, but I don't have a lot of faith in change.
  3. Why is our salary so low?

    I have discovered the B&M vs Online is a big deal obviously. Many complaints about lack of quality... so on and so forth. There are online programs out there that require every test to be proctored, skills check offs to be done in person or proct...
  4. Surgical NP Clinical

    I am lining up my clinical experiences right now in my FNP program and I am trying to decide how best to use my maximum of 40 hours in a specialty. I am in the DFW area and have a few options on how to spend this finite amount of time, I have the opt...
  5. UTA FNP 2016

    Some things have changed in this program that are very different from what is listed in this thread. The classes are no longer "open book" as all exams require a webcam and no papers/books/etc on the desk. The classes are 5 weeks and 11 weeks respect...
  6. Working During Chemo/Radiation

    Any floor nurses out there that went right back to work after a cancer diagnosis? This is long and kind of raw for me, but here goes. I am 27 and was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer and need a hysterectomy and chemo/radiation. I currently wo...
  7. Thanks Briterz, I'm looking forward to it. Laffitte, straight A students were making 50's and 60's on the first two tests, and were happy to make a C in the class. There will be a different teacher doing the class next semester so it might be differe...
  8. So we started Nursing Skills 2 a couple days after spring semester ended. We also started Med/Surg class then. We had that until the beginning of July. We had some overlapping of skills and clinicals, those were 3 days a week, so most I believe were ...
  9. We got about 3 weeks off from the end of July to the end of August, my group started last spring.
  10. Good luck to everyone coming in for the spring!! Be prepared for last minute schedule changes, and extra money requested at random. They will tell you to get a PCT job, then tell you that you shouldn't work in the program. To clarify on the pediatric...
  11. Any info?

    Texas is a really large state, what area are you wanting to know about?
  12. Brookhaven Fall 2012

    I think working is definitely possible during school. Try to work somewhere that you can change your schedule at a whim. Clinical days can get changed at last minute, extra classes added, and we have no power to change it. My clinical group was the o...
  13. Thinking of nursing school in Dallas

    If you want to get into a nursing program in Dallas, it will take at least a year. The ADN programs like Brookhaven, Mountain View, and El Centro require the prerequisites and most of the support classes (like pharmacology and pathophysiology) before...
  14. Graduated last May.... NO JOB

    Do you guys think Sulphur Springs, and Commerce areas are far enough outside of Dallas for a fighting chance?
  15. Graduated last May.... NO JOB

    This thread makes me nervous. My husband has the mindset that if I make good grades, and apply and accept any position that comes at me after graduation I won't have to worry. From the tone of this thread and others I don't know how likely that is th...