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About sk8inghunny

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  1. UNG Fall 2013

    Last year I purchased the littman II SE from and it was $73 with free engraving. In would recommend them. Most items ordered at orientation take a whole to get to you. The items aren't there that day to pick up. That's why I ordered m...
  2. UNG Fall 2013

    First semester is much easier than second semester, and first year is easier than second year. First semester you will have check offs which will take time, but nothing like pharmacology in second semester. Schedule first semester - Class on Monda...
  3. UNG Fall 2013

    I'm not sure about missing days. I think you can miss two days of lecture - maybe - not sure. I didn't miss any, but it seems like I read that in the handbook they gave us at orientation. As for clinicals that's something you'll need to make up. T...
  4. UNG Fall 2013

    I was homeschooling five, but we graduated our oldest and he is now a Marine. Homeschooling all the way through here too. :)
  5. UNG Fall 2013

    I think a lot of people in my class work. It's definitely manageable. I think much more manageable on first year than second year. I am doing the extern program now - it's only over the summer but they will keep most externs on as pct's for the sec...
  6. UNG Fall 2013

    Kmp5 - you hope you were of SOME help to me lol!!! Girl you are what got me through and kept me calm!!! :)
  7. UNG Fall 2013

    Habersham is another clinical site for the first year. Even though it is a small hospital - I will tell you that you'll be able to do a lot more at Habersham than other hospitals. My clinical group was able to do things others were not able to do. ...
  8. UNG Fall 2013

    No problem! Kmp5 was very helpful to me when I got started, and it feels like it was just yesterday.
  9. UNG Fall 2013

    The lab kit includes all the supplies you will need for check offs (like foley catheter, syringes, iv kit, etc) you will receive two of certain things so you can practice in class and at home with one and then save one for check offs.
  10. UNG Fall 2013

    For lab you will need a stethoscope, a blood pressure cuff, your lab coat, and a lab kit you will purchase from the book store.
  11. UNG Fall 2013

    The book bundle should come with everything you need book wise. I didn't buy the bundle - I just bought my stuff online beforehand because I couldn't afford the expense all at one time. Lab days: You will be given your lab day and time at orientatio...
  12. UNG Fall 2013

    Oh and you will also receive your calendar/syllabus. I would try to read your chapters ahead of time. For example of Mondays lecture is over chapters 3 and 7. Read them over the weekend before lecture. Not always something I stuck to, but it'll hel...
  13. UNG Fall 2013

    First week - be prepared for lab. At orientation you may be given your first lab sheet. It basically tells you the reading to have completed by your first lab. Be sure you do all the reading required on that page. You want to be prepared for each ...
  14. UNG Fall 2013

    Kmp5 is correct - I'd go to campus in advance one day and get your parking pass and student id out of the way. There won't be enough time orientation morning. Orientation day you will sit in the big auditorium and the instructors will all introduce ...
  15. UNG Fall 2013

    I have a little time today - does anyone have any questions you'd like to ask to a student that just finished their first year? I know I had a ton of questions before starting my first year, and it was so amazing having someone to sort of guide me th...