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About BSN_student2004

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  1. OR nursing QUESTIONS

    Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read my post and answer my questions. I really appreciate your time, effort, and thoughtfulness. Have a great day! :)
  2. Questions about L&D

    Just wanted to thank everyone for their input. I kind of suspected that I should start out at postpartum because, as mentioned the pace is fairly steady. I do want to develop my skills and gain confidence, as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you fo...
  3. Questions about L&D

    I am a nursing student trying to find a unit that may be a good match for me when I graduate. I love the diverse experiences you can get at L&D, being there when new life is born, Or exposure, triage, I enjoy the pt population. However, I fear ...
  4. Could I still be a good nicu nurse???

    I am an indecisive nursing student trying desperately to figure out what nursing unit would be a good fit. I like the nicu because I LOVE babies, I know I would learn a lot, grow professionally, and I really appreciate the setup (very team-like orien...
  5. Please advise!!!

    I really need some advice. I am a nursing student and trying to figure out what kind of unit might be a good starting point for me. I am interested in ob or pediatric-related units. My problem? I am not a fast paced kind of person. I like to be able ...
  6. OR nursing QUESTIONS

    Hi, I am a nursing student and trying to figure out if the OR might be a good place for me to practice nursing. There have been several posts suggesting that OR nurses really enjoy their jobs (mostly) and some that wouldn't want to work in any other ...