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About eric4178

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  1. admissions to lpn in nyc

    thanks for the reply, but the this adult learning center all they require is the nln pre admission exam. I got the book and when I looked at the questions it seems like a breeze. I think the only part I would need to brush up on is the science part b...
  2. LPN information for NYC area

    I understand your concerns. Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you. My friend's wife is an lpn and I hear she's making really good money. She didn't seem to have any trouble finding a job. In fact she has two right now, so she's working about 5-6 ...
  3. admissions to lpn in nyc

    I heard that there is a lot of competition if you want to become an RN. So was thinking that I would become an LPN with the hope of later on working my way towards that RN degree. But is it as hard to get into an lpn program in NYC as it would be to ...
  4. In need of some advice/guidance!

    I'm looking to become an lpn as well and was concerned if anyone knew how hard it is to get into an lpn program. The minimum requirements to get admitted don't seem like a lot but are there a lot of people to compete against when your going to a scho...
  5. I am officially an LPN student at Mid-Manhattan!!!!

    Kudos! Great to hear you made it. I was thinking of going there myself and was hoping someone could tell me more about the admissions process. Like how hard it is getting into this program. I know it's just taking the pre admission exam and an interv...