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  1. Showers in nursing home

    Update: Thanks everyone for all your comments and suggestions. Things have worked out well. I never had to call the DON as my dad has been getting his showers every week, as scheduled. It turns out I didn't have to worry after all (but who doesn't wo...
  2. I know its a bad idea to resist arrest but this situation is so outrageous and you can see/hear/feel this poor nurse's fear and even terror. I was feeling it just watching this video. I don't blame her for screaming and resisting. I would have done t...
  3. Showers in nursing home

    Well my sister is dealing with it cause she lives in the same state as the nursing home (15 minute car ride), but she is hesitant like me to complain. Cause so far he has had pretty good care. My sister is going to contact the ombudsman but we don't ...
  4. So long, farewell, adieu

    I have always thought being a DON is a hell job and would never even consider putting myself through that in a million years. I see what the DONs at my facility go through and they never last more than a couple of years. One time we went through four...
  5. Showers in nursing home

    Is there a rule/law/guidance/statute that dictates how many showers a week a resident should get? At my nursing home we have to give 2 showers a week to each one but my Dad is in a nursing home in another state and he practically has to beg to get on...
  6. Long Term Care Nursing is Lame

    I don't see what the point is in insulting other nurses or specialties unless it is just to get a response (however negative) and also attention. At my LTC we do trachs, central lines, and other things seen in ICU and/or MedSurg, plus a million other...
  7. Old foot care therapy

    I like that idea!
  8. Old foot care therapy

    Yes yes yes! That's it!! I can stop wracking my brain now.....thank you!!!
  9. Old foot care therapy

    I'm nostalgic for the old days . Remember when they had levels in long term care. Level 1, 2, or 3??
  10. Old foot care therapy

    Are there any older nurses out there from the 70s and 80s who remember an old foot care treatment for diabetics, or anyone with really dry feet, that came in a green liquid? When I first started out as a nurse I worked in a nursing home and we use to...
  11. How many residents is too many for one nurse?

    I'm so sorry CapeCodMermaid. I really didn't know what I was talking about and I apologize. I only read one post of yours and jumped to conclusions, which were wrong. But after my post I began reading more and I realize now you are definitely not par...
  12. How many residents is too many for one nurse?

    "I will agree that some LTCs need to increase staffing, but where do you propose the $$ will come from to pay for it?" How about sharing some of the PROFITS that these greedy nursing home owners make and some of these administrative personnel who...
  13. Is this a productive management style?

    GHGoonette, interesting leadership styles you pointed out. I think I remember learning about those in college. I guess they would all work in certain situations as long as a basic healthy respect for the employees were maintained. What a difficult th...
  14. LTC is making me hate nursing!!!

    In some ways I think it might be harder to be a supervisor and occasionally have to take the cart because you never get a chance to get a routine, plus you are responsible for everything everyone does or doesn't do. I was a supervisor in a 200 bed fa...
  15. "Borrowing" meds from another resident is wrong so I can see why she was upset when the trainer did it, but at the same time, if you take the time to go through all the steps (circling with explanation, calling pharmacy, writing incident report, call...