ICU, PICU, School Nursing, Case Mgt

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About SWS RN

SWS RN has 18 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in ICU, PICU, School Nursing, Case Mgt.

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  1. BON Appearance

    Read the post I just posted under the topic "RN diverson" in this same thread....I just spelled the entire program out for the IPN (Intervention Project for Nurses) for the state of Florida...but it is very similar to ISNAP for Indiana.
  2. RN's in Diversion

  3. where can a RN FIND A JOB WITH A FELONY

    I am with Fl mom of 5...I also live in south Fl..job market here is extremely tight even if you don't have any sort of criminal history...maybe you should look for a more rural area where the market is not so flooded. Good luck.
  4. Anyone ever get their license back after revocation?

    Right, I just wanted to say, I thought going through this would be a nightmare....I did this in 8/2009...I sent away for the application packet and followed to a T. THe attorney at the OIG in wash DC was wonderful and I spoke to her every week. Fro...
  5. New RN, already making mistakes

    I would like to comment on two points to you. The job market in South East Fl is pretty tight, especially if you are not very experienced, or not veryspecialized. It's very competitive here with an overabundance of nurses and there are nursing school...
  6. Just a suggestion/you should move this thread to "Nurses in RECOVERY" and that's the thread you need to check out
  7. Is there a nursing shortage or not?

    I have adressed this many times before, but once more with feeling...(and you can always go back and read old posts on this and other topics) I suppose it depends upon the area in which you live....but for the most part in one word, when compared to ...
  8. any nurses/nursing students on methadone?

    I am in Florida, and it too is very specific and strict. If you are in a monitoring program, in this case the IPN, it is considered a complete abstinence contract....that includes alcohol (even if alcohol is not your DOC) and all prescribed medicati...
  9. I have worked in many specialties over many years. ICU's ( adult, Picu, and Nicu) Tele, Step down, ER, Trauma, Hospice and I honestly feel that NICU is THE most HIGHLY specialized unit of them all (of course, the OR may be more specific) and I don't ...
  10. OIG

    I don't have much time right now, so I have to make this brief....you CAN work as a nurse while on the OIG list...however, you can not work at any facility that qualifies for Gov't reimbursment, ie, medicare/medicaide...etc..which pretty much disqual...
  11. Anyone ever get their license back after revocation?

    WOW, How does Zoloft test + for serax? Does anyone know? I am on a fairly high dose of Zoloft...for about 6 months....it is the ONLY thing I take. So far no problems. Been tested every month--still clean...and it should be--after what I have been thr...
  12. Smackdown by the BON

    Dear all... First things first...3.5 years of sobriety!!!!! That alone is a WONDERFUL feat. For what it's worth, I don't know what state you are in, but in June, I had to go before the BON in Florida. It was nerve wracking...but worked out ok. I was ...
  13. TPAPN question

    Right, here most of the time the Am people are at the Lab before 7am and try to test immediately, then go in to work, so they are a little late on those days. In Fl IPN program the test can not be rescheduled---if not done it is considered a postive ...
  14. Complications from HCG injections?

    I worked for a weight loss clinic last year, we used HCG injections/Dr Simeon's Diet...this method has been around for years, It began in Europe, invented by Dr Simeon in Italy. It is gaining in popularity again. The plan we used is under an MD's car...
  15. In Surgical tech. program and not too happy.

    Again, did you take your "prerequisites" when you were 12?