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About sapphire18

sapphire18 specializes in ICU.


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    Epic >>>>>>>>>> Cerner
  2. Patient waking up during CPR

    I recently had a young patient wake up during compressions...same thing as above, lost his pulse when we stopped compressions...restarted compressions and he woke up again...very disturbing. He made it in the end and of course I'm glad, but can't im...
  3. USC(south carolina) CRNA 2019 cohort

    I did not get in, either. Sorry, been stalking this thread :/
  4. Central line

    PICC = peripherally inserted central catheter. Yes it is a central line.
  5. What annoys you most in your daily tasks?

    Oh and taking out the trash or changing full sharps boxes ðŸ˜
  6. What annoys you most in your daily tasks?

    Catering to family/visitors. Explaining every step I take or every titration I make, every med I give, every assessment i do, or every output I measure to family/visitors. Ridiculous nonsensical charting. Spending 89% of my shift searching for thi...
  7. Sorry but no ICU nurse would/should accept 5 or even 4 patients. Sounds like this is a step-down unit?
  8. Specialty ICU at a regional trauma center in the Southeast: 1:2 or 1:1, 1:3 if short-staffed :/
  9. Does your ICU use CHG wipes for bathing patients?

    All pts in the ICU where I work are required to get a CHG wipe "bath" every 24 hours, we don't have basins or any other kind of soap.
  10. Sterile Water for Enteral Feeding Tubes?

  11. The Doc said this can't happen!???

    WOW that's a long time to be paralyzed...
  12. Medication error

    As a newbie I gave double the dose of an antiarrhythmic bolus IVP- I was being rushed by the charge nurse/monitor RN and the bag it came in was not marked as a partial dose ... Def a systems error but I was the last line of defense before it got to t...
  13. Depressed self-referral to ED

    This reminds me of how ALL psych pts in my state are handcuffed when being transported to an outside facility.
  14. Is this normal?

    At my teaching hospital, as at any other, the residents perform procedures such as central line insertions, trialysis insertions, a lines, etc. For the majority of these procedures, the residents are alone with the senior teaching or showing the int...
  15. Brian Short News

    Just in complete shock. The length of this thread is a testimony to the legacy Brian has created here. Allnurses has taught me so much about so much, not just nursing. I only got to meet him in person once, but I was in awe, like meeting a celebrit...